Provoked Gamer

16 Post – 145 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yo. Prolly doing some dumb shit.


ETA: thanks for one upvote!😃

ETA2: thanks for two upvotes!😀😀

ETA3: woah?! 3?!?!?! thanks for three upvotes!😁😁😁

ETA4: this is more upvotes than I have money in my bank account! thanks for four upvotes!💵💵💵

ETA5: INASANE!!! thanks for five upvotes!😍😍😍

ETA6: I’ve never had more than FIVE!!! thanks for SIX upvotes! 😱😱😱😱😱

ETA7: thanks for seven upvotes! I want to thank my mom, my brother, Jesus, Scott, Bill Gates, and my cat!!!🤗🤗

ETA8: What? Why y’all downvoting now? Bring it back to seven!😤😤😤

ETA9: Unbelievable. -400 upvotes now. I lost my house, my car, and my job because of this! 😔😔😣😖😖😖😭😭


Loads of people will go through withdrawal symptoms.

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Exactly, vote with your time and/or money. If you don’t like something, don’t use it. They’ll be people that are fine with it and will use it.

Ohhh that makes more sense. Thanks!

East Asia means the East side of Asia. It’s not Eurocentric, but Asiacentric because it’s literally the East part of Asia.


My favourite ones the second one because I feel it’s the right amount of simplification without oversimplifying. The first one is alright though.

Thanks! That’s probably what they are especially because I live somewhat near an airport which would explain why I see them so often.

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My eyes, usually

I wasn’t wondering about the appeal. I got that. I was wondering how people don’t go blind since looking at the sun can make you permanently blind. I realize my title was worded pretty badly.

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Has anyone noticed that downvotes have become more common too? Back when I first joined, I hardly saw any downvotes and now you see them in almost every single comment.

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In my opinion, it’s French piss. Don’t get me wrong, Italian piss is good and all, but the reason I prefer French piss is because it still has the Europeany piss taste that Italian piss has, but tastes a bit more sour which gives it a richer flavor. It also feels a bit more classy than Italian piss. Italian piss is a close runner-up though. I hope you take this into consideration, Thank you.

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I just block all the bots so that I only see original content.

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What’s wrong with a green bubble? Just curious.

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I see you’re on It’s PROBABLY because of that. That instance is really big so it causes posts to not load and what not . Go to a smaller one. Like in the ~1k range or something and I’m SURE all of these problems will go away. It was the same for me when I first joined Lemmy and picked The following day I switched to back when it had ~40 users.

Have you checked the piracy mega thread? I think they have a few online audiobook sites listed there but correct me if I’m wrong.

Edit: if you have a library card, you could use Libby for listening to audiobooks for free.

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Ya, I use Reddit for stuff I’m working on like learning a language that isn’t on Lemmy right now, but I only use Reddit ~25% of the time I used to now.

To add on to this. If social media is making you feel terrible, hateful, sad, or like you have no control, then you have to take a break from it. It doesn’t have to be along one, and you can come back later, but I see many people on the internet stuck in this trap which ruins their mental health. Social media is supposed to be a tool to help you connect with others and entertain you, not make you feel scared or anxious at the world.

To answer your second question: To link a comment, either copy the link icon or the fediverse icon.

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Well well well, let’s find out

And in the posts continuing, he says, “no I’m not addicted. I can stop whenever I want”

I like Lemmings. It’s easy to remember and rolls off the tongue.

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I feel like an option to edit it for an amount of time would be neat. Like after ~1 hour you can’t edit the title anymore or something. That’ll prevent trolls, and will get people enough time to realize and fix their spelling mistakes.

Boost for Reddit is coming out for Lemmy soon. You can pre-register. Same with Sync.

I live ~20km away from it. It’s not like really close. Would they be far enough in the air for those to appear?

Money was revolutionary because you could finally get the stuff you wanted. Bartering was good and all, but say you have a horse, but you want 3 cattle. You find someone who has at least three cattle and ask them to trade your horse for those cattle. Turns out he doesn’t want a horse and only wants food so you don’t trade, so you’re kinda screwed. With money on the other hand, the person would be more inclined to sell his cattle because that person can get food with it. The problem of not wanting or needing what someone’s offering you goes away.

It opens up the door for anyone to get services like healthcare, or learn how to read because you’ll always have something the other person needs or wants: MONEY.

He didn’t say that. It was a different person. Read the usernames.

Kid named good

Arctic is pretty good

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What monster downvoted this?!

You also need people on that land, and have to keep them content

Memmy’s my go to, but it’s only on iOS currently and OP is on android

People can die from over-hydration and dehydration

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And water + clothing

That’s also why Google pays Apple $20 billion annually to be Safari’s default search engine. Most people can’t be bothered to change their defaults/don’t want to after having it as their default for so long.

I prefer how Jellyfin’s UI, but you can also use a third party client IIRC

By going to their profiles manually. After blocking a few of the prominent ones you usually don’t see bot posts.

+1 for I was in first, but it was incredibly laggy and unresponsive so I moved here two months ago during the Reddit exodus and have stayed since. is always super responsive for me. Living near the server where is based probably helps as well.

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Yea that seems about right. I wanna find a job that I’ll be content enough with doing for at least 5-10 years, but not necessarily something I love. Something that pays the bills is very important since it’s what you need to survive and I also don’t want to be stuck in a career where I’m struggling to survive or have room for my hobbies and free time.

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Popped off your face as in… severed from your face? Is that possible?

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