You know there’s a pregnant man emoji?

Provoked to [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual – 54 points –



🫄Also a pregnant person option.

As a trans guy that does want to carry my own someday, it’s kinda cute and the fact that people see it on their keypad will probably make my life easier when I get to that point.

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Ah yeah, the Unicode Consortium ran into an issue a while back where they realized their emoji descriptors weren’t specific enough and were leading to confusion in cross-platform conversations. Apple used to have a woman in a red dress for “Dancer”, while most Android distributions showed a man in a disco suit. They started getting more specific in their emoji definitions and in 2016 and introduced a few emoji pairs like “Woman Dancing” and “Man Dancing” to clear up the existing confusion.

By 2019 the emoji concepts which were gendered (dancing, etc.) and non-gendered (skiing, surfing, etc.) had become pretty arbitrary. They decided to standardize offering a male, female, and generic version of every human emoji. It’s, you know, a standard, so they generally don’t make that many exceptions. Even emoji like “Santa Claus” have a female “Mrs. Claus” and a generic “Claus” options.

To expand on that, the way they decided to implement emoji in a simple, flexible and extendable way, was to combine emoji codes.

You have the code for pregnant person and combine it with the code for the male or female symbol emoji, to make the pregnant man or women emoji. So in a way, it's easier to support all variations than only some.

So in a way, it's easier to support all variations than only some.

Words to live by really

They also did the same regarding race. Used to be that person emojis were always non-descript in that regard. Most implementations used Simpsons-yellow skin, and Android used a green, non-humanoid character.

Nowadays, the more recent human emojis tend to have a bunch of realistic skin tone options as well as Simpsons-yellow default, but they haven't gone back and made those options for many of the older emojis.

I use it for “damn I just ate a ton of tacos” 🫃🌮

Its for after turkey day conversations.

Not all pregnant people have long hair, what a surprise

No, it’s not the generic “pregnant person” emoji, it’s explicitly a “pregnant man” emoji. It’s technically a “man emoji” a “pregnant emoji” and a combining mark. That’s what allows the skin colors and flags to work as well.

That's strange. I went to use it on my android phone and only the woman appeared. But in the sync app, there are 3 options. And if I copy/paste the pregnant man emoji from sync to messages, it works fine. So that means the code is there for Android, but they intentionally hide it? I wonder why. Maybe they think it's too weird?

Well, to implement the emoji standard, they have to have something there. If they left it blank it would look messy if someone ever used it.

But yeah, Gboard doesn't let you use all emojis.

Emojis don't have to be based on reality. Did you know there is a alien emoji? 🙄

Hey an Alien emoji is based on reality, they're crossing the border into the US every day in the thousands

It's a pregnant woman identifying as a man I guess. :)