20 Post – 246 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yay for Firefox

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The real travisty here is The Verge trying to install Chrome instead of Firefox

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Now that's a top quality shitpost

Can we stop calling this shit AI? It has no intelligence

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Im really confused by this sentiment. Ive been using Firefox since like 2007 and I was just a teenager who didn't know any better.

Its been working fine for 16 years now.

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Trains and Trams please and thank you

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Pardon me, but what the hell are you going on about?

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I think all religion is absolutely dumb and superstitious, but I give satanism a pass for the sake of essentially trolling what is considered normal religious standards.

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If this isn't a reason to trust bust Google, I don't know what is.

Or just don't buy American cheese because it's gross and fake.

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Please tell me that Google was so tone deaf that they actually made a starte page banner for the anniversary of Monopoly or something.

The US in nutshell here

im getting really tired of all of these MS acquisitions. I know the nintendo one is very unlikely, but i would be pissed as fuck to see valve swallowed up by this terrifying beast.

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Back in 2009, I went disc golfing with a friend and while walking back to the car, I saw a dark blue nalgene in the grass. I was poor and in college and had always wanted a nalgene bottle, so I took it.

Today at work, I filled that dark blue nalgene up with water and drank the whole 32 oz over the course of the day.

its been a great water bottle for these past 14 years.

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And as usual Xers forgotten

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im cautiously optimistic. Ive read that anti-trust is starting to bounce back in general. Maybe we aren't at the degree of Trust Busting from 100 years ago, but there is a chance we could see that in the next decade.

Shiiiiit. Moon trains anybody?

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I think F-Zero 99 is way for Nintendo to gauge the temperature. If the this game ends up getting a big player base and it stays consistent, then they will likely see that proper F-Zero game should be developed.

I remember a while back hearing Nintendo higher ups stating that they weren't sure the popularity was there for a new game. This is there way to checking.

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It's rare that I wholeheartedly back a billion dollar company, but I do with Valve. Until Gabe is no longer CEO and their business model changes to something more nefarious, I will stick with them for years to come. No, No epic, just Steam.

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You know it's pretty obvious that inequality is rampent in the US and people are hurting because of it. Yet the latest polls show just how popular Donald Trump and the Republicans are. Conservatives use to try and hide their true intentions, but today they dont care and will say exactly how much they want Americans to hate other people in the country. I truly wish I could understand why an average Americans doesnt see how much the Democrats have done under the Biden administration to try and fix these issues. I really do believe if the Democrats could finally have control of the federal government, and I mean 2008 levels, we could see some serious change.

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I love the old timey weathered look is a nice touch

Sony is just so bad at this whole portable gaming thing, aren't they?

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Nakey Jakey recently did a super indepth video on what is wrong with Starfield. And suffice it to say, I've removed the game from my wishlist. There's betterr games to spend my money on.

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The way the US shows more progress is if the Democrats can stay in power for a long enough period of time. But the last time Dems had that kind of power was as far back as 2008. It makes you wonder if the only way Democrats can ever get into power is when a recession hits.

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Tell you friend he has a death wish

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I'm more sad than I expected. He influenced a lot of my younger years more than I realized. To think some nobody in the Midwest can feel sadness for a great man in the other side of the world.

You will be mised Toriyama. Thank you for.the beautiful stories.

You have Canada doing their part, and now another English speaking country. Plus most of Europe seems to be on the right path. When will the rest of the world just finally shun the US for a being little bitch? Or idk like punish us with tarrifs or whatever idk...This coming from a disgruntled US citizen, I fucking hate this place.

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Great news. it's also nice to see they are more accurately counting active users with the latest update. I still think Lemmy will surpast a million active users with in a year or two.

It's better than nothing. Hopefully we can speed this up in next couple of years.

i'd be okay with having diablo on my steam library. too bad i bought them all on

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That makes you left leaning to an American's perspective. The political spectrum over here is farther right, even the left in the US is technically right center.

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I remember hearing when it was announced last that fusion was achieved, scientists were skeptical that we had finally achieved this and we wouldn't be actually putting it to use for decades to come.

But here we are. Yes it's experimental but it's working amd producing energy. I'm just surprised we're here already, even if it's only a proof of concept at this point

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Oh I thought we were on the shitposting or meme community.

Yeah this is a broad over exaggeration of the situation. Also using 4chan to drive a point is so over done to the point its a meme in itself.

Why the fuck are humans so stupid that we decided to grow one of the thirstiest crops in the fucking desert.

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Sorry but in the recent past, that title goes to No Mans Sky.

This is gorgeous for so many reasons

You guys rock. I fucking love lemmy 🐭

Torrenting is the way to go. Especially with VPN port forwarding now.

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Ive been waiting for this response from you guys. You have been a fantastic admin team so far. I still don't agree with some of the de-federating, but overall you guys truly show you care about this instance and the lemmy fediverse as a whole.

I know I wont be wavering because of butt hurt idiots in other instances. I will hold my ground and stick to Lemmy.World.

Keep it up and i hope that in due time, you guys can keep the DDOS attacks under control.

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The fact that all instances talk to each other, makes me think we likely won't have wars.

I mean I'm subscribed to beehaw and kbin communities. And everything in between.

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