6 Post – 329 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Reddit desperately wants its piracy community back, not knowing that the ship has sailed arr

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So it's not the user getting screwed, not the artists getting screwed, but record labels ?!

Record labels are getting screwed over by indie artists in a new niche that has exploded

This is 100% a massive W

(I'm sorry for this)

Da bu dee da bu da

Interesting concept, what do you mean by this?

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That repairing stuff yourself is worse than the company repairing it for you

It's kinda true since the company will probably try to withhold schematics, withhold spare parts or worse, maliciously design it to be unrepairable

I've observed this after I got into a college!

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I prefer jellyfin myself

Installing tumbleweed rn

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A lot of people suggested moving away from rhel and rhel based... I did not listen and now...

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Most security on consumer hardware

Let's take android for example. There are legitimate security implementations like SELinux, full disk encryption but something like samsung's knox is useless outside of enterprise use and kills OS level modifications

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Idk, these seem to be first world country problems

In rapidly and non rapidly developing countries, we have brands like realmeme(realme), tecnologically braindead(tecno) and xiaomeme(xiaomi) take over

iCrytoSleeps(iPhones) are alright but people here like to be conservative with their money. Ironically they look at good specs since mobile gaming is all the rage here

I personally daily drive a oneplus one, to spite people like the ones mentioned in the post

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Except the currency mined doesn't go to you, but to the malware designer

Casual vulkan W?

OpenSUSE supports the Kiwi build system so you can have organization managed images and variants of OpenSUSE!

This message was typed on infinity for lemmy

Why the hate? Other than the higher prices, it's legitimately awesome

I do not get your argument still. Could you elaborate further?

Sure, if microsoft or redhat was embedding malware or proprietary software via patches, sure. But their contributions are also FOSS!

I simply use ls and spam cd xyz cd .. etc

Black can still win this...

The ender dragon needs to google en passant

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I felt so too(but not as strong) but it was infinity for me

I switched to infinity for lemmy, it was like meeting an old friend, all grown up

Arena shooters!

I encourage anyone from southeast asia to join my xonotic server ;)

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Google en passant

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There's definitely a need for it. Before diving into it, however, I feel that one needs to do research on what anarchychess really is.

In simple words, you need to google en passant

Ethical piracy is a reddit fallacy(which I used to believe too) where people think showing a company a middle finger is acceptable.

The solution is to use FOSS, and kill their stranglehold on the market

Take adobe's crap for example... they are big because of the students pirating it, expecting employers to pay for their license in the future. Creative cloud is all they learn and then it's hard for them to switch to freemium or libre options, so they pirate it.

This happens with ms office too! We were taught how to use word, excel, powerpoint as kids, and now are forced to use those since everyone around us uses those...

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Bonus points for lack of normies posting crappy reels

There are 3 types of people in this world when it comes to gender and sexual identity

Homophobes(and other equivalents)

People in the LGBT community

Straight people

Homophobes are literally gay people in denial! Straight people would just go on with their day

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Lite and go apps are trash, they use a web wrapper but complain when you use a browser since it performs better than their lite app

You clearly need to google en passant

gender pronouns 😭

Somebody failed english class despite potentially being a native speaker

Hear me out: let these games be downloaded in a GOG style executable accepted by homebrew game launchers if they exist!

Lucky that my instance moderation doesn't oppose piracy

That's just an apt repository(with a signing key)...

I am thankful that I touch grass enough to not know what any of this means

Tresporn wen

In my country, nobody uses imessage, just whatsapp.

Hello there!

Lemmy is a federated social platform. What does this mean for me? It means that you could be on any instance, and talk to most other instances.

What is an instance? An instance of lemmy is just a single individual lemmy server. You can host your own on a VPS if you want!

An instance is a single copy of the software running on a single physical or virtual server. If you run two copies of the software on the same physical or virtual server, that counts as two instances.

I am on, and I am able to interact with you, a user, on!

This is the power of a federated community!

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Chalega, it's a step in the right direction

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I use vscodium and ms office 2016, fight me

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Hear me out: what if, instead of wait for systemic change, we go for it and license all our works permissively?

No major copyright issues, attribution given, new developers and artists get to study the works, and use it in many ways, as per the licence.

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