2 Post – 114 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just a sloonarky kind of guy.

I'm a high school teacher and I recently was discussing this. Protip: don't talk to 14 year olds about how if something is in between hard and soft, it's firm. 🙄

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Fingerprint sensor on the back of the phone. So you'd pick it up and your finger would naturally fall on the sensor, so that by the time you look at the screen, it's unlocked.

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So we have separate Android communities running on separate instances. I can't see how this community splintering can be a good thing.

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I trialled 5 different lemmy apps for Android and IMO Liftoff was the standout best. Looks good, runs smooth and the dev is quick to fix bugs and issue updates.

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I'm not sure if paying for your groceries makes you entitled.

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One of the many reasons I will only ever buy Pixel phones. No bloatware.

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Kids misbehaving in school. "Kids are so rude these days." "Young people don't show respect anymore."

I'm pretty sure that every generation had its bad eggs in the classroom and nothing has changed.

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This rebrand is so dumb in so many ways.

I still like "Tell my WiFi love her".

Match threads on sporting communities with hundreds of people commenting during the match.

Yeah it's a bit of a weird situation, isn't it? Same names but different communities. I actually think this is a bit of a barrier to new users. It's not an intuitive situation and doesn't immediately make sense. I think it adds to the "this is all too confusing" problem that is inherent in the fediverse.

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I like the idea behind the community but it is a terrible name. Without reading an explanation, most people would assume it was some toxic, misogynistic group. I only know what it refers to because I bothered reading some of the comments here.

I'm sure there are much better names, such as Positive Masculinity for example.

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That bumblebees shouldn't be able to fly.

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I like "communities" but the problem is that in a broader context, no one will know what you are talking about. "I saw it in the memes community" sounds too vague. Saying "I saw it on the memes subreddit" is perfectly clear. Because of this, I think "sublemmy" is a better, more descriptive term.

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Drinking alcohol. I never enjoyed it, but I used to have a beer when I was out just to fit in. Then I stopped because I realised it made me feel like crap, tasted bad and had no redeeming qualities. Now that I'm older I'm comfortable saying I don't drink.

Instagram is still cool with the kids, which is why this is an "Instagram app" and not a "Facebook app" or a "Meta app".

Here's a little known secret: you can still enjoy Lemmy without giving up reddit. I use both. There are some sports subreddits that I am not prepared to walk away from.

In a weird way I find these kind of jokes nostalgic, because they remind me of when I was a kid reading old comic books, and all the husbands seemed to hate their wives and vice versa.

I'm sorting by New and refreshing all day.

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What an awful situation. I can't imagine how you're feeling.

Liftoff. I tried the rest but Liftoff seems the best.

I honestly think the Pixel 5 is the best phone I have ever used. I have the P7 and I kind of wish I had stuck with the P5.

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Not something that I'm glad to share

Oh you are so.

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I loved Milli Vanilli when I was about 14.

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I find it interesting that they chose the name Thread, because it doesn't really work as a verb. "She threaded the news to her fans" doesn't have the same ring to it as "She tweeted the news to her fans."

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I tried about five different android apps and LiftOff was the one I picked. Looks the best, runs smooth, nice interface, fast with updates. Love it.

Don't hold grudges. While you're holding a grudge, the other guy's out dancing.

In my experience, batteries start to deteriorate after about two years or so.

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for every moth that passes

This is such a cool typo. I love the mental image.

Damn. I was hoping it would be Papyrus.

I've been waiting for Boost, but Liftoff is so good I'll be tempted to keep using it even after Boost its available.

Literally? Coffee.

In other news, Facebook Messenger somehow knows I have a Facebook account!

I could not disagree more. Gestures are so much more intuitive, easier to access, and faster. The three button nav bar feels like stone age technology to me now.

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I have never heard of Crystal before. Can someone give a quick explanation of what this language is good for and why it is exists? There are already so many languages out there.

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Knock knock.

Who's there?

Owls say.

Owls say who?

Yes, that's correct.

I'm mostly using Lemmy, but I still use reddit for some things where the lemmy communities are too small (like live sports discussion). If I'm googling for an answer to something I'll still include 'reddit' in the search because there is a huge wealth of info in past reddit threads.

But unpredictability is not the same as free will. Doesn't free will imply a conscious decision being made?

My Boost for reddit is still working.

I can't imagine anything being better than SwiftKey.

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