Are communities with the same name, but different instances linked at all? e.g., Does /c/ and /c/ have any relation? to – 39 points –

I understand that a user on any instance can subscribe to any community in the fediverse, but I have been a bit confused when searching for communities to join. Sometimes there are communities on different instances, with the exact same name.

  • Do these communities talk to each other at all, or are they completely separate, with a different host, posts, mods, subscribers etc.

  • Should I just join the largest (and presumably, most active) one?

  • Is there anything in place to discourage communities of same name, but different instances, from “competing”?


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Yeah it's a bit of a weird situation, isn't it? Same names but different communities. I actually think this is a bit of a barrier to new users. It's not an intuitive situation and doesn't immediately make sense. I think it adds to the "this is all too confusing" problem that is inherent in the fediverse.

Eh. Most people will just see posts from the more popular one in their feed and subscribe from there. Or search for something and they'll pick the top result which is going to be the larger one.

It's not really much more confusing than say /r/Tech vs /r/Technology. Or /r/offmychest vs /r/trueoffmychest etc

I think the opportunity is more interesting though for apps to provide a federated multi-community experience seamlessly. E.g. a/technology shows me an intermingled feed of all the c/technology communities that my home instance federated with

And what happens when you go to make a post?

Plus that would lead to you seeing many identical or near identical discussions

Ideally it would post to whichever instance you're logged into, but show up on all federated instances.

But I don't have a c/technology on my instance - and I don't need one.

A much more interesting thing about the fediverse is that ! and ! are both about "trees", but one is about getting high and the other is about therapeutic uses of trees and shrooms.

I wouldn't what a "I didn't tidy my room - because I got high" in a community about treating mental illness with plants

Disallow posts when viewing a custom feed like this. Force users to click/tap in to the community they want to post in before they're allowed to start a post. Might be a little wonky at first, but I feel like you'd get that muscle memory eventually.

It’s a different kind of friction/confusion than we’re used to.

Plenty of people have declared the fediverse “too confusing” etc, but once you’re here and places to be you’re fine. It’s about the people and social activity not the tech.

And sure, there are plenty of UI and UX issues, this is young software without big investment running on volunteers and donations that’s been waiting for the users to come on the basis of values rather than killer features. It’ll get better the more people come.

But duplicated communities with the same name but in different instances/domains isn’t really more confusing than duplicated subreddits with different names. Rather, we’re used to big central platforms and haven’t internalised decentralised platforms where the domain or instance name means something.

If anything, the decentralised version, once you know that decentralisation is a thing, is more clear: different people doing the same thing. More similar to real life and meetups or groups in different cities. Subreddits with different names was always tricky because you had to work out what the actual difference was.

Yeah I think this is what I meant. It's confusing because it's a different paradigm to all of the other big social media that we're used to.

I like your analogy with real life communities. Lemmy does have that unique feel of different communities coming together which I actually like.

Honestly, if someone declares the fediverse as "too confusing", I don't care too much to interact with them.

The concept of "same name but hosted on different instances" is really not that hard. Sure you might be confused at first, but it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to clear up and then you'll never have to think about again.

Tech-literate people aren't the only people with anything of value to say, imo.

You don't have to be tech-literate. Problem is people are expecting Lemmy to behave exactly like Reddit. You have instances and then you have communities.

I agree. The sad fact is that most non-IT-pros use Facebook, what's app and Instagram, mayyyybe reddit.

The fediverse is by (and for) und people who care about these things. And we understand how it works.

I expect all drivers on the road to know how to drive. I expect every cook at a restaurant to know how to cook. I expect every person on the internet to know how to cook a quesadilla. It's just logic