
1 Post – 104 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Sikhs want Punjab to be its own country, separate from India. India post Congress is ruled by Hindu nationalists who want to rewrite history books and erase anything positive that happened in precolonial India (which wasn't really a country in the modern sense, but a changing set of integrated states) under non Hindu rule. The BJP are fascist shit stains and literally ordering hits on Sikh activists abroad for trying to promote Sikh separatism. There's really not much more nuance than that. Fuck Modi.

Do I need to call your parens*

How does lemmy federation work in this case? Conceivably after being restored from backup the lemmy.ml instance could see those few hours of lost history as federated to other lemmy instances and resync it back as the host instance. Obv I'm vastly oversimplifiying things but what happens today?

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Often I think, while smashing things and screaming "FUCK YOU OLD LADY!", that I must definitely be in the right.

I turn 39 this year. Growing up in the 90s it seemed like post cold war things might be looking up. Lofuckingl.

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I'm betting you aren't involved in hiring? The number of engineers I've interviewed with graduate degrees from top universities who are fundamentally unable to actually write production quality code is mind-boggling. I would NEVER hire somebody without doing some panel with coding, architecture/systems design, and behavioral/social interviews.

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Crazy part is thanks in no small part to the electoral college it'll still be a close election in your scenario

Don't drive like my brother!

Definitely nothing else that increased mortality happened in 2020 right?

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That's absolutely not true. Data shows the only countries with higher gun deaths per capita than the US are all central and parts of South America. E.g., India's per capita gun death rate is 0.56 vs 4.12 in the US.

You are white I take it? This was obvious to me (as a mixed race but not white passing person, with a very foreign sounding name) since before the GW years.

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In the early 2000s plucking and waxing your brows to really really thin was fashionable, esp in certain places. Then people realized it is dumb but if you are around 40 now it was too late. So microblading helps you not look like a MadTV sketch. Source: my wife turns 40 this year, grew up in a particularly hood area of the sf bay area, and from 30 onwards really regretted plucking her eyebrows to almost nothing.

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There's whole generations of people who don't know where Forrester is now 🫡

Der kom en mand forbi i den modsatte retning, og han gav hende et hårdt skub på skulderen, så hun væltede til siden, fortæller henholdsvis 18- og 17-årige Marie Adrian og Anna Ravn til mediet.

Thanks for the danish link. Definitely not "beaten". I haven't lived in Scandinavia in nearly 20 years and am way out of touch with politics there. What's the reasoning behind this?

https://github.com/Mozilla-Ocho/Memory-Cache is the actual project if you want to use it.

Basically it's a firefox extension to save a page as a pdf in a directory that is symlinked to your local PrivateGPT install which then ingests the docs. It doesn't seem to me that it provides any in-browser querying of PrivateGPT but I haven't tried setting it up to confirm that.


California has free breakfast and lunch for all public and charter school kids. Before covid and early on districts started doing it but now it is state wide.

At least last I was there, wholly illegal in Vermont. You also never see it in Norway.

That scares me. I also have family members who got it decades back and for the most part they all still have to use glasses.

I have ridiculously bad vision (-9.5 contact prescription) and bad astigmatism already, thankfully every optometrist ever has told me I'm a horrible candidate for it so I've never even had the possibility in my mind.

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I only see hunter2 what do you see?

Sounds like something a neonatal cannibal would say ;)

Dragged through the mud by a committee led by our current Democratic president... who still hasnt actually apologized beyond "I wish I could have done something". Motherfucker you presided over the committee you could have done many things but were power hungry and sexist so didnt!

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I'm more amazed that angelfire is still around! I had so many blink tags and under construction gifs hosted there in the late 90s.

I agree. Family of 5 many hotels require us get 2 rooms. Plus no option to cook meals makes for a much more expensive stay usually. At least until a few years ago when airbnb went insane with the cleaning fees plus cleaning requirements and all that nonsense.

I understand that but none of the replacements came close to matching the level of content and quality, risa used to always be popping in recent and I've not found any of the replacements (I subscribed to them all) to be anywhere near that. Not saying the action wasn't warranted (it probably was) but still sad.

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It's funny how people always cite Einstein on this letter but not Hannah Arendt. Given the subject matter I'd think of her as a way more relevant expert. Probably more about overall pop culture fame than sexism but interesting nonetheless.

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I don't really know what drama caused it but when he stopped posting on c/risa@startrek.website it was a sad sad day.

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NWA was 87-91, over 30 years ago at this point. The gap between I feel like I'm fixing to die by Country Joe and Fuck the Police by NWA is smaller than the gap between Fuck the Police and today

the human race as a whole isn't a distinct intelligence

I don't know it's quite that simple, (some) cognitive scientists and Marvin Minsky might disagree too. Pedantic asshattery aside, AGI might be an intelligence that's so fundamentally different from our own ego/narrative/1-person perspective intelligence that we have trouble recognizing it as such.

Her track record in California is arresting parents for their kids being truant, and basically being a cop. I'd love to like her, I'm also half Indian and my kids went to the same elementary school as her but I'm really not a fan.

Can somebody please swap in a civ v image I really need this ty.

Dang minimum wage in my city is $18/h

I think that is overly simplistic. Embeddings used for LLMs do definitely include a concept of what things mean and the relationship of things to other things.

E.g., compare the embeddings of Paris, Athens, and London to other cities and they will have small cosine distance between them. Compare France, Greece, and England and same. Then very interestingly, look at Paris - France, Athens - Greece, London - England and you'll find the resulting vectors all align (fundamentally the vector operation seems to account for the relationship "is the capital of"). Then go a step further, compare those vector to Paris - US, Athens - US, London - Canada. You'll see the previous set are not aligned with these nearly as much but these are aligned with each other (relationship being something like "is a smaller city in this countrry, named after a famous city in some other country")

The way attention works there is a whole bunch of semantic meaning baked into embeddings, and by comparing embeddings you can get to pragmatic meaning as well.

I have 3 friends that I play Civ V with weekly, in person LAN parties maybe once or twice a year. Civ 6 never caught on and I'm the youngest in the group (at 39) so I just went with it. But going by the principle that odd number Civs are good we are excited for 2025.

Balmer Peak

It's the part of ruby that replaced perl. For whatever eldritch horror perl was it was very, very good at doing text manipulation, and IME the only language to really match that experience was ruby.

Where do you live that middle schools have cops and carry guns? My kids attend the utmost progressive hellscape that is Berkeley Unified School District and I feel like any cops at all in middle school or lower would be protested harder by the parents than the students.

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