1 Post – 49 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Right? I guess all the good names where already taken

And also, I mean, like... you guys have all seen the moustache, right?

Based on code in the Reddit’s Android app, Reddit appears to be working on a “contributor program” that would let users cash out gold or karma (basically, points you get for posts, comments, or giving awards) they receive into real money.

So rather than start paying the volunteer moderators that keep their site running, Reddit is going to pay the repost bots and low-effort karma farmers? Surely that will improve the quality of content on the site... /s

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The typical news publication is written at a sixth grade reading level. Do with this information what you will.

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Richard Head

I'm sorry, his name was what?

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Believe it or not, McConnell's home state of Kentucky currently has a Democratic governor, so if McConnell vacated his seat, the governor would appoint a Democrat to fill it until a special election could be held. No way in hell a guy like Mitch would allow something like that to happen while he's still drawing breath.

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A part of me hopes they fine him $130k. Fining him the exact amount he paid Stormy Daniels somehow feels like an even bigger "fuck you" than the maximum possible financial penalty.

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There's a similar therapy used sometimes with alcoholics – although in that case, the drug ( doesn't just block the effects of intoxication, it makes the experience intensely miserable (sometimes even to the point of being life-threatening).

Disulfiram can be quite successful when used correctly, but the success of the treatment largely depends on the patient's willingness to continue the therapy. I imagine the same will apply with this vaccine.

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I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as Stallman, is in fact, GNU/Stallman, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Stallman. Stallman is not a man unto himself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

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It varies from state to state, but in DC (which I suspect would have jurisdiction in this case), it's classed as a felony. Whether or not she's actually indicted is another matter, though.

Of course, she may have civil liability as well if Biden decides to take her to civil court for harassment. Buuuut... I think that's also unlikely. Cases like that have a way of "boosting the signal" (see Streisand Effect), and Biden senior probably doesn't want people gossiping over his son's dick any more than they already will be in an election year.

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I love how he waited until the day after Trump's conviction to announce this, when the news cycle is still too busy covering Trump to spend any time on a covering it.

Too cowardly to do this when people are actually paying attention, which really is the perfect summary of his career in politics.

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The bill doesn't really "cancel" any debt, it establishes a grant fund with tax money and allows people to apply for grants they then use to pay off their medical debts.

Rather than telling the debt holders to pound sand, the federal government will front you the cash to pay the debt holder.

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Fromsoft PC ports have always been notoriously bad, but it blows my mind that after 15 years, they still don't support something as important as custom keybinds.

Big "Deranged Nazi doctor in an old Indiana Jones movie" vibes.

Is this why Elon is working so hard to run Tesla into the ground? 5d chess, something something...

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*cough* Oracle *cough*

It'll be branded X™

Short for X Æ A-1?

Well, you would have to be a little bit suicidal to blow the whistle on Boeing now, after seeing what happened to the last two guys...

That's what they want. Get all the users they aren't able to monetize off the platform to lower their costs.

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Hopefully Elon will buy Facebook and Instagram next.

It also adds clutter and noise to a public space, making it more irritating to scroll through comments. It's like someone having a private conversation on speaker phone while you're waiting in line at a Starbucks or whatever.

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the fossil fuel industry has entered the chat

More like "don't fuck around but find out anyway".

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Todd Howard looks exactly like a grown-up Todd Flanders and not enough people are talking about it.

"You can't put lipstick on a pig" was popular for about a year in the US, circa 2007

Luckily for America, Trump has less money than ever!

Wow... The outside looks like a Beksinski painting.

Apparently they announced the game at the same time as the layoffs so they'd be able to release a demo and some promotional material. That way the people they laid off would still be able to show off their work to prospective employers as they job hunt.

I'm sure it's also a final hail Mary effort to attract the attention of investors so they might fund the rest of the game, but still, seems like a pretty practical way to shelve a project — definitely not as crazy as the headline makes it sound.

This comment reads like it was written by an AI.

She was last year's honoree for the award.

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Just like Jeb's presidential campaign.

Elon Musk, the CEO of company, has next to nothing to do with Tesla?

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The Splurge

I was expecting the Crypt Keeper. Not far off, I guess!

Yeah, that was my thinking as well. This seems like a political football that DC prosecutors would hesitate to touch.


I think in the end it all comes down to putting power back into the hands of regulators — power that corporate America has been slowly and steadily eroding for the last 40 years.

A more powerful regulatory state could start enforcing the anti-trust laws we already have on the books by breaking up the massive tech monopolies. Once that's done, new regulations and new legislation against anti-consumer practices are needed, but those will only work if the punishments scale high enough to work as an actual deterrent against the multi-billion dollar tech giants.

Of course, we'd also need massive, MASSIVE campaign finance and lobbying reforms so that monied interested aren't able to sabotage the system all over again.

Or we could just bring back the guillotine... that would probably do the trick too.

Good point, that's much more apt


They're basically responsible for 90% of males simply refusing to discuss important issues in politics.

Gonna need you to cite some sources on that one.