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Joined 2 years ago

Amp links are a threat to the free and open internet, it's better not to use them.

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Lemmy devs expressed in an AMA that Liberapay is the preferred method of donation.

It's bought by Avast. I immediately uninstalled it when I learned about the news. No way that they don't want get a return on investment by e.g. selling your data.

Consent-o-matic is better (actually sets the minimum amount of cookies) and is developed by university employees, whom I trust more.

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Every country that joined the EU after the 1992 Maastricht treaty has to adopt the euro. Denmark signed that treaty, UK as well, but if they rejoin, they'd more than likely be treated as a new member.

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I can strongly recommend the SponsorBlock extention (also available in revanched).

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It's also hard to imagine people will live in harmony when one side literally enforces an apartheid regime on the other side.

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I always write it as a select, before turning it into a delete or update. I have burned myself too often already.

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It's both.

Enough people need to reduce meat consumption and realize there are alternatives (and make it interesting to innovate alternatives for meat – just look at the explosion of alternatives over the last five years). They also contribute to creating awareness around this subject, influencing others to change or at least consider changing their behaviour.

Because in the end you need enough support to enact changes such as a meat tax. This has been tried in the Netherlands, but there still isn't sufficient support to introduce this.

I'm not surprised at all. Bird flu has gone form a major to a massive problem in the last year. We just had to wait for it to mutate and infect mamals regularly (it already happened every now and then).

A few days ago there was also news about cats in Poland being infected. It already infects humans sometimes. No human to human infections yet, but I guess with a strain that's mamal compatible, it will come sooner or later (probably sooner).

This is what happens when you put a shit ton of animals in cages together. It will not become better until we find our place in the ecology again, instead of believing we live outside it. This doesn't just apply to infectious diseases.

Consent-o-matic on laptop. Usually I'll go through the options and be annoyed. Sometimes I can't be bothered and hit accept all.

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There are huge differences. One country came into existence due to a federation disintegrating, because its members called for independence. The other country came in existence because an occupier forced it upon the people living there.

There wasn't also a huge amount of migration involved with Ukraine. People mostly continued their lives when Ukraine became independent. The founding of Israel involved many Jews for all over the world migrating to that area. You can imagine that affects the people already living there.

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To shreds, you say?

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I was big into downloading before streaming services were a thing. Music streaming is one of the few services that's totally worth my money: no hassle and I rarely have to resort to other platforms to find what I want (very different from video streaming, which totally sucks when it comes to that).

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Please just donate... No need to invite ads here.

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I work in IT and we have truly self steering teams without formal hierarchy. Not everyone is used to it and IT people can be interesting characters, so it's quite a process to get the team to perform well.

The one that blew my mind is that plate tectonics is only a widely accepted theory since the 70s.

Fish and rainwater, apparently.

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Have you seen how meta does business?! Talk about a straight up evil corporation.

They don't know how to play nice. They have no interest in playing nice. They're out to make as much money, whatever it takes. They either buy their competitors or try to kill them. The fediverse is not for sale and we need to keep a healthy distance so they don't get a chance to kill us.

Do not federate with meta.

I once calculated that if we reduce the land use for livestock by 50% and then use 10% of the newly freed land to build housing (the other 40% can become nature), we can build a city something like 1.5x times the size of Amsterdam, the largest city in the Netherlands.

It's not a lack of land. It's how the land is being used. Almost half is for livestock (or more accurate: to dump the shit of that livestock, as the majority of the animals is kept indoors).

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Thanks for the hard work. I've cancelled my Patreon and switched to Liberapay.

Yeah, I also seriously doubt there's a big conspiracy happening where ultra rich people are helping each other. Have you looked at those people? Most don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves.

Musk bought Twitter around the time he was fighting with this guy that had the private jet tracker. I think it's more reasonable to believe that Musk bought Twitter just to shut that down and now it's a toy he can play with, where every time he merely touches it, media jumps on it, which feeds his ego massively. And once Twitter is dead, he'll discard it and move on to the next thing. Like a cat playing with its prey.

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How do you differentiate between a small instance where 10 votes would already be suspicious vs a large instance such as, where 10 would be normal?

I don't think instances publish how many users they have and it's not reliable anyway, since you can easily fudge those numbers.

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While on trail, Taghi ordered and succeeded in the murder of:

  • the crown witness' innocent brother,
  • the crown witness' lawyer, Derk Wiersum,
  • investigative journalist, Dutch celebrity and confidant of the crown witness, Peter R. de Vries.

This level of violence aimed at innocents was unheard of in the Netherlands. It's what drug trafficking brings.

Really amazing how all nuance is lost when you discuss Israel online.

Imo the fediverse should not try to compete with the big commercial networks on their terms. It will be much healthier when it grows slow and steady with people who want to be here because it is the fediverse. A place of freedom and lack of controlling evil players who will use your data to control your behavior (to get more ad revenue or worse, to make you act against your best interests, such as happened on facebook with Cambridge Analytica).

We're not gonna win from big dollars and vested interests. Let's not play their game. Let them play their game and let us be a safe haven for anyone who is done with being a pawn in that game.

The fediverse is already a really nice place to be. You don't need 100s of millions of users to have the network effect that creates a successful platform. We've already reached that critical mass.

Netherlands too. Amsterdam is even planning to change major inner city roads to 30km/h (minor roads already are).

Absolutely true, although imo not necessarily as a conscious choice. It's simply earth's feedback systems. We cram all kinds of animals together and accidentally breed highly contagious viruses, which come back to bite us in the ass. We destroy biodiversity and now people in certain parts of the world have to manually pollinate crops, because the insects all died. Etc.

If all goes well, earth will find a balance again that still favours life (possibly not human life). If not, earth might end up like Venus. Not a big deal for earth, but a bit of shame of all this life we currently see here.

They're nice if they also migrate your db schema. That way you define your schema once and use it both to setup your db and interact with it via code. I do write raw sql for more complex queries, e.g. when there's recursion.

I doubt Trump puts so much thought into his choice of words.

Kbin and Lemmy are different software that have communities (magazines on Kbin) where people post content and have threaded discussions. Very much reddit-like.

There are many instances of both Kbin and Lemmy.

Kbin and Lemmy do federate, i.e. 'talk' to each other via the same protocol. This means you can see and interact with content regardless which of the two software an instance has chosen. It's not perfect, e.g. I believe some minor features are not compatible (yet) and I have experienced that federation doesn't always work, but hopefully this all becomes smoother when both mature.

ChatGPT speaks other languages. It's actually a really good translator.

I just asked it to describe an organization using UK English and it indeed used 'organisation' instead (didn't check for other words).

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The name of the function, what goes in and what goes out in most cases should be enough to get a good idea on what the function does.

It also helps to make a diagram of how everything ties together. Just boxes and arrows is enough.

When writing your own code, it takes a bit of experience to know when to put something in its own function. It's very obvious when you're replicating code. It's also very common to cut things up when a function gets too big. Look for bits of functionality that you can give a good name.

Ocean cleanup is also working on systems to prevent plastic from leaving rivers and flowing into the oceans.

When smart watches came about I thought it would be cool to be able to look at your watch when a notification comes in. Never ended up buying one and when I see how some people behave, I'm glad I never did. Some people will just glance mid conversation at their smart watch, which imo is just as bad as grabbing your phone mid conversation.

I'm happy with my cheap Casio. Looks heaps better too.

That's very broad. Do you mean by some force outside our universe, or actors inside, possibly on earth?

I think the basic reasoning is some form of:

"If you support Palestina, you are against Israel. And you can't be against Israel, because then you are an anti-semite and that means you support Hitler."

It's mainly prevelant in western countries that historically support Israel. I do think a big part of that is some historical shame/feeling the Jewish people are owed something, given the genocide they had to endure in WW2. And of course a touch of geopolitics. And right wing politicians using Israel as a way to position themselves (I guess they hate Muslims more than Jews?).

I have the same problem with ! Tried subscribing and posting from, but I don't see posts here beyond the one I created (which btw didn't become visible at, so it's not working both ways).

Edit: this morning I edited an existing post I made from to The post showed up with its edit. A bit later I also saw a post from show up in, so I think interacting with content will at some point force federation if it was not working initially. YMMV

Correct, it's not just regurgitating words, it's predicting which token comes next. A token is sometimes a whole word, but for longer ones it's part of a word (and some other rules that define how tokenization works).

How it knows which token comes next is why the current generation of LLMs is so impressive. It seems to have learned the rules the underpin our languages, to the point that it seems to even understand the content. It doesn't just know the grammer rules (without anyone telling it, it just learned the patterns), it also knows which words belong to each other in which context.

It's your prompt + some preset other context (e.g. that it is an OpenAI LLM) that creates that context. So being able to predict a token correctly is one part, the other is having a good context. This is why prompt engineering quickly became a thing. This is also why supporting bigger contexts is another thing (but a larger context requires way more processing power, so there's a trade-off there).

It's btw not just the trained model + context that gives you the output of ChatGPT. I'm pretty sure there are layers before and after, possibly using other ML models, that filter content or make it more fit for processing. This is why you can't ask it how to make bombs, even though those recipes are in its training set and it very likely can create a recipe based on that.

Some (most?) Italians will do a bit of wiping and the move over. I guess you can even stand up and then sit on the bidet without wiping, as you'll wash the whole area anyway?

It knocked my shoes off

Definitely dead here.