Cryptic Fawn

3 Post – 391 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

She/Her | 34 | Queer ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ | Progressive ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ | Gamer ๐ŸŽฎ | Book Lover ๐Ÿ“š | Abstract Artist and Synthographer

I always figured LTT was a boy's club, considering how few female employees they have, but I had no idea the environment was that bad. Rather naive of me, tbh.

Ugh, I don't think I can continue watching anything from LTT anymore. ๐Ÿ˜ญ I hope Madison is doing better these days.

Edit: I've zero issues blocking bad actors. =)

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I will happily stop visiting any website that demands I use an approved browser.

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It will die a slow death as the content creators and news organizations leave it.

It won't happen overnight. But removing Block and requiring IDs will help speed that along.

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If you're on PC use Firefox with uBlock Origin.

For Android, Im personally using Libretube but using mobile Firefox with uBlock Origin also works.

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Netflix announced that starting today, users on its $9.99 per month Basic plan will now have to pay $11.99, and those paying $19.99 per month for Premium will have to pay $22.99

That's insane. The only way those price hikes could possibly be justified is if the majority of movie/show creators had their catalogues available on Netflix. But they don't because everyone and their mother wants their own fucking streaming service, ruining streaming for everyone.

No thanks. I got a library card and access to my entire county's book/audio-book/movie/show catalogue for free through Libby and Hoopla. As for everything else I can't find there... Yarr.

I'll play in a year after most of the bug and performance issues are fixed. Which seems like my typical response to any major game release these days; just wait a few months at first.

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No, I think we'll be fine. It's Gen Z and Gen Alpha that are acting like boomers in regards to technology. My eldest niece and eldest nephew are tech-illiterate even though they grew up with PCs, tablets, and smartphones in their daily lives.

My eldest nephew can't figure out how to use Libby, or how to install unlock origin on his mobile Firefox browser, and my eldest niece has no idea how to troubleshoot or look up solutions to any tech problems at all.

It's frustrating and I had ban them from asking me anything tech related because I got tired of being the free, family tech support. Now I tell them "well, what did the sources say after you researched the solution?" And that always shuts them both up because I know they didn't even try looking up the solution on their own.

They also have the bad habit of believing everything they read online. I tried telling them both that they should look at more than one source when researching important information (nephew was doing a paper on the American Civil War) and they stared at me like I was nuts.

They are the living, breathing examples of Intelligence VS Wisdom.

I think us Millennials will, for the most part, have an easy time keeping up with new tech, even as we get older.

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What a stupid thing to say. Unsubbing is a mature response.

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I'm convinced he's ruining Twitter on purpose. He's still pissed he was forced into buying it.

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I'm 100% convinced that if Christ came today the majority of white American Christians would call him a demon and one of them will end up shooting him. Especially if he came back as a man of color that spread anti-capitalist ideas and hung out with the poor, sick, and unwanted. They'd never, ever, tolerate that.

IF Christianity is true, a large amount of souls of self-proclaimed "Christians" are in danger of damnation. They are actually doing Satan's work for him. The issue are the ones 100% certain they are "saved" while spouting racist, evil things at the same time. How do you talk to people like that? How do you convince them that they are in fact 100% wrong and likely going to the same hell they claim everyone else is going to? I'm an atheist, so most wouldn't even take me seriously.

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Ugh, fuck Hamas and everyone that supports them.

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So youโ€™re actually going forward to โ€œcancelโ€ a company

.. Did you really just insinuate that unsubbing from a channel is the same as "canceling" them? LOL

Begone, foul troll!

Huh? The Piracy community on dbzer0 is still up, just checked.

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Macron trying to go full fascist I see.

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Red states are shit holes, more news at 11.

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The removal of old reddit?

Yep, they will absolutely do that. Only a matter of time.

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I think anyone that fits in those 3 categories just tend to be the early adopters. The normies come later. ๐Ÿ˜

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You can care about both at the same time. Shocking, I know.

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Desktop replacements: FreeTube and Piped. I personally prefer FreeTube; the UI is way better than Piped.

Android: LibreTube (it also works with Piped but I just imported my youtube subscription list instead). There is also NewPipe too!

If you'd rather dump YouTube entirely, there is Odysee and PeerTube. Though for most people they're just not viable, total replacements. Only you can decide for yourself on that matter.


Edit: If you want to export your YouTube subs and playlists you'll have to do Google Takeout; but after that it's super easy to import/export them from Freetube and Piped whenever ya want.

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Once both spacecraft run out of power - expected sometime after 2025 - they will continue roaming through space.

Why does thinking about this make me a bit sad?

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Bitwarden fan over here. Been using it for a month and I have just 1 complaint; can't sign into the Android app. Signing in with my mobile browser works though. No idea why the app is being fussy. I'll contact them about it when I stop being lazy.

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Thanks capitalism!!


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I'm actually surprised police killed him.

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Go Fasc, lose cash!

Fuck you, Musk. Piece of shit.

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I partially blame the Left for not addressing mental health issues for our younger boys and men and not doing a better job at expressing what healthy, happy masculinity actually looks like. So the likes of Andrew Taint, Joe Rogan, Matt Walsh and the likes basically swooped in and took that over.

I've got a 15 year old nephew who's starting his Sophomore year in like a week. I've already heard him say some rather disturbing extremist right-wing shit, and sadly his father fucking sucks at being a father so correcting him hasn't been easy for me (I'm the aunt, his mother is not currently in the picture). And he says this shit with his little sister around too.

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TIL we had our own Place going on and I somehow missed it. ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Biden wishes he was FDR.

But I'll give him a cookie for trying to cancel student debt, and then refusing to give up when SCOTUS decided to fuck us over.

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Pretty sure it's done to avoid videos/posts being removed by TikTok/Twitter/FB and the likes. For example, you can't use or say the word "Suicide" on TikTok, that would get the video removed. So people say "Unalive" to get around that. This way, they can still talk about difficult topics without the dumb censorship.

If you're seeing it in places where that isn't an issue (like Lemmy, for example) they may just be doing it out of habit.

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My pc isn't compatible with Win11 (unsupported cpu) and since I'm poor, I'm not getting a new one anytime soon.

Besides, Win10 is great.

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We already have their response though? They continue deleting comments that even bring it up. That alone should tell you everything.

Stop licking their boots; there are better tech channels.

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Aww poor not top ten. ๐Ÿ˜ญSo close at #11 though!

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I have never been a fan of blocking people

Must be nice, not having to deal with being harassed by people who wish you were dead.

I'm seeing this with my oldest niece and nephew. They're okay with navigating their android tablets; but if you ask either them of troubleshoot a problem on the PC, they both just end up coming to me. Neither of them know how to research solutions either. Ugh.

I'm not surprised that Elon is suggesting people get their information from accounts known to peddle bullshit.

Hell ya dbzer0 represent!! ( โ€ข_โ€ข)>โŒโ– -โ–  (โŒโ– _โ– )

It will be much more interesting to see a year from now, after most of the actual content posters and decent mods have left. ๐Ÿฟ

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Holy shit. The block feature was the only function that actually worked when dealing with trolls and assholes.

Remove that feature, and the remaining Queer and POC communities are going to be forced off the platform due to the abuse they will not be able to block.

I suspect this is mainly because people with the Blue checks keep crying about getting blocked.

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Nope, Disney isn't in financial difficulty. This was their plan from the beginning. Lure people in with low prices, then slowly raise them after gutting the catalogue of available movies and shows.

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No one will ever host any kind of party/festival so close to the border again after this; if there even is a border after all this.

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Lmao I love this ๐Ÿ˜‚