0 Post – 75 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Since you were unwilling to be open or direct with your beliefs (a hallmark of conservatism), I did you the favor of looking through your comment history to try and find the disconnect. And I did.

You seem just as insufferable as other conservatives, just more sexist than racist, which is not an improvement.

At the end of the day, the right is about abusing people infavor of financial gains and controlling their lives. Whatever justification they apply to it is irrelevant. In every country all over the planet, they use different reasons but the political right is always about controlling people.

So you're looking for a community without hate, but your only willing to look at abusive communities. You're not going to find it. You need to ask yourself, why are you a conservative and why do you still want to be part of them?

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It wasn't that you didn't believe her, its your complete dismissal of everyone who disagreed with you as "making it personal". You behave like a stereotypical conservative. You act as though you're the only person who can see it clearly and objectively, when it's pretty obvious from the outside that you can only imagine the situation from his perspective.

I'm referring to all conservative communities as abusive. You can't find one that isn't hateful because that's what conservatives are.

If you wanted to lay out some of your beliefs I could tell you generally where you would align stateside, but you seem to not want to actually discuss what you believe.

I read his comments and judged him based on how he choose to present himself. I think thats a pretty fair way to make assumptions about a person, based on their words. I responded accordingly and advised him that if he didn't feel he fit in that category he may want to reconsider how he identify his beliefs.

Also, learn about the tolerance paradox and you'll understand why the left are currently so strongly against the right. Also, the left is making great gains in the US, the right is the side losing seats.

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They keep coming back with these headlines, but they all look the same to me, "Trump did thing that we all already knew he did!". Fucking get on it then and charge him

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That's a lot of words to say you want fascists in society.

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No, fuck place and fuck reddit. Quit going back there and giving them traffic

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Don't forget abusive to animals

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Are they really that complicated though? He did most of it on television where we could all watch it, and has bragged about it repeatedly, again in public. If someone gets a DUI, while livestreaming their drive and posts all over social media about how they were "fine to drive that night," and "only had a few drinks", that wouldn't be complicated. It would be an admission of guilt that sealed their fate.

Their ideology is based on hurting other people. How do you not get that? They cant exist peacefully.

If you're ok with them being here, don't be mad when I lump you in with them.

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Yeah, you don't want to talk about the things your obviously wrong about, we know. You o ly want to hear happy voices telling you you're right.

But you you aren't

As a man who works with a bunch of guys that listen to him, nothing worth listening to.

That being said, I'm not married to the guys and work and your going to have way more to deal with in his viewership than I do.

Shocking that a multiple time Trump voter's highest level of discourse is a South Park clip. I'd feel bad for your parents, but they're probably just as dumb

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No, we mean your worthless-ass party. It was fun to watch a bunch of then surrender in Atlanta again though.

They are absolutely represtative of your party. They were led by your leader, your party wants them pardoned. You probably also believe some combination of them being both patriots AND a false flag.

You're all idiots, and they represent you well.

Youre right, there isnt . There is a standard term for people who are against it though, we call them trash.

Being polite is pretty meaningless when you advocate against victims of harassment and sexual assault, wouldnt you agree? So why are we giving him credit in politely looking for allies when his political ideology is based in bigotry?

Also, read his old comments. He "politely" condescends and dismisses anyone who disagrees with his stances. He "politely" tells them to not be emotional and just accept his view of things. Fuck him.

I don't care if "it's a good look", I'm not trying to sugar coat truths for misogynists. What that party believed in the past is irrelevant, what they say and do now matters. It's not a frustration with their change, its an unwillingness to respect them while they openly court fascism. Which, i think, is pretty damn reasonable.

You want to shame me for being rude to the right? I hope you're used to be ignored. I'm not going to be a part of sowing division on the left, even when a conservative asks me to "politely".

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Yeah. That's how that works

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Or you could go to npr and pbs. Public, free journalism

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"I'm not saying it's ok, I'm just saying you should never have to take any responsibility for it"

That's what you just said. Jackass.

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Their core belief is that they are better and should have autonomy over other people, how does that NOT turn violent?

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So wait til they start killing people openly before we identify their ideology as dangerous?

We're done here and you're blocked. Either you have no place in this conversation or you're being intentionally obtuse.

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You let burglers into your house just because they're in your yard?

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He's saying he's a bigot for anyone who's listening

If the knowledge was only dad's preferences in women, sure, mostly harmless. The damaging part of this would be the villianification sexual desire. You're telling someone that a normal part of having a body is wrong and you should feel shame for it. You're also thrusting the responsibility for the parent's impulses onto a minor.

I'm also not naive enough to believe that they had any serious, healthy discussions about sexual urges beforehand. This is the right, its just indoctrinating them onto the shame and guilt spiral as soon as possible.

How fucking pathetic are you, did you just call him a "wokeist"? Is English not your native language?

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I know there are no facts to back up any of his feelings, I didn't expect him to have anything better to contribute

I mean emulation has replicated a ton of them. I don't think that's how the article wanted them preserved, but people are doing the work

Sorry, I'm not continuing to discuss this with an open racist. I'll just block you. Have a shitty day.

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Just slightly?

I have no intention of dignifying highly problematic views with civilized discourse.

I haven't even been mean to him yet, all I called him was insufferable, which he is.

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I don't know if you're trying to make a joke about something, but Republicans are far right, democrats are left of center.

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I came here looking for Lemmy but all I found was lemmy 😉

It seems like they brought it back to drive up traffic. They know people will put those things on it, but they can edit all they want and going over there to "protest participate" still drive traffic to their site. In 6 months when they tell investors how successful the last place event wad, no one is going to want to see the final picture, they're just going to look at the numbers.

Place was stupid when we were on reddit, its sure as he'll not worth going back for

I don't care what they do, but I'm not going to encourage anyone to go back there. Certainly not over fucking r/place, that shit was always lame

I have no thanks for you. But I'm not surprised there are mistakes in your work as well as your logic

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Thats weird, participants like you are what I hate the most about them

You took 3 of those and you've never been stoned before? That's why you had a bad time. I don't smoke concentrates, just flower, but I do smoke daily and I would take 3 of those. You should have had 1, honestly if it's your first time you should have only had a half of 1.

That's what it really comes down to, they won't allow competitors to exists. If they join us here, they won't be cooperative, theyll be competitive.

Glad to find some other fans that are missing him. I think our best bet for know is enjoying the documentary know episodes he wrote and watching old reruns of....DA BEARS on youtube

but you want to make sure all your dog whistles and doubletalk are still welcomed.

You're stupid, go home kid

Are you criticizing your own side now?