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Joined 1 years ago

I’m trying to focus this answer on something that seems like a really small change:

I wish everyone is slightly more empathetic.

I feel like this could give us a lot of small nudges toward being better people and a better society. I wonder if a small nudge could end up having a profound effect.

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Thanks. I just went and disabled it. I also found that they had “products and services notifications” turned on. I know I attempted to disable all advertising and monitoring stuff shortly after I signed up, but I can’t say for sure whether I had missed this section at that time or if they kindly turned it on for me between then and now.

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Someone bought a pallet of returned products and found this as one of the returned products. So what?

It is important to note that this pretty useless concoction of non-working parts – dressed up as one of the best graphics cards available to consumers in 2024 – wasn’t sold as a new model. It was received by an NWR customer in a pallet deal from Amazon Returns.

We can’t know for sure, but the product received by NWR, apparently from an Amazon pallet deal, may have been an Amazon return where a faulty Franken-graphics-card was returned and someone kept a good working one. The outward description of a cracked PCB and melted power connector might even suggest another level of deception used to return this switched product.

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4K output alone doesn’t provide much (if any) benefit. The article (and I assume the company as well) says nothing more. For this to mean anything, they need to talk about the console doing something to internally render at a higher resolution or talk about what upscaling techniques it will use to go from whatever internal resolution the N64 runs at (480?) to 4K.

Putting 4K in the title seems clickbaity, considering there is “no there there”.

Edit: not accusing OP of clickbait, just the article.

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Sorry, no answer here. I just want to say that this is a really interesting question and I hope someone is able to answer.

You should edit your comment to remove the mischaracterization. The nsfw mod was WAY more clear than what you say.

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I just searched Amazon for “wire shelf connectors” and got lots of results. I’d check measurements, but here is one result that might work:

Dailydanny Wire Cube Plastic Connector 50Pcs Wire Grid Cube Organizer Connector for Modular Closet Storage Organizer and Wire Shelving (White)

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Yes. It looks like ! is the community to post a mod request on. From the sidebar of that community:

  • There is a community I want to moderate, but the moderators appear to be inactive.

Please email us at or create a post in this community.

I would post and then email with a link to the post to get the admins/mods attention.

I really like the concluding quote from Pearce:

“The existence throughout history of legitimate electoral disputes does not validate the defendant’s corrupt and dishonest actions any more than the existence of legitimate investment offers validates the creation of a criminal Ponzi scheme.”

Just spitballing here, but the “dream job” question might also come down to the destruction of the middle class (and the recognition thereof). 20 years ago it looked a lot more like you could make a good living working for someone else, doing something interesting. Plus there was more trust that employers would “do right” by their employees. There were pensions and quality healthcare benefits.

Now all that (and the security it brings) has dissolved. It may not be Gen Z people wanting to make it big or be a celebrity, but a desire to live comfortably and seeing that they can’t trust an employer to let them do that. If the only way you can build security for yourself is by building a big pile of money, then people are going to seek that out.

Edit: and when I say that “20 years ago” these things existed, I don’t mean that they were still functioning like they did another generation earlier, but it was way better than it is now and there was less awareness of what was happening.

I suspect that there is “palm check” turned on for your touchpad. This is designed to keep you from accidentally moving/clicking the touchpad by brushing it with your palm while you are typing.

Look for a “palm check”, “palm rejection”, or “disable touchpad when typing” setting in your touchpad utility. As far as I know, these are all roughly the same thing.

If I recall correctly, he says it is hard on his vocal chords to do the voice. Have you read something where he says he wants to keep doing the voice acting? Or might he be happy to move to an easier role?

Agreed. I strongly dislike Elon and think he is a thin skinned trust fund baby who is destroying Tesla and already destroyed Twitter. I wouldn’t be surprised in the least to find out he is using sock accounts to praise himself… but in this article all I see are people making accusations without solid evidence. Yes, it appears he banned the guy accusing him but we already know that Elon will ban his critics whether or not those critics’ accusations are real. There is nothing here showing that the account is anything but one of his braindead fanboys.

It’s one thing to take these accusations and try to find solid evidence. It’s another to treat the accusations as solid evidence itself. Let’s be better than the conspiracy theorists.

While sometimes positions have a requirement to retire at a certain age and/or tenure, most don’t — I’m not sure if this particular role has such requirements. My reading of this is that while he was eligible to retire, he probably was not required to. Many people work past retirement eligibility.

IANAL, but my reading of this defense is different than what I’m seeing in most of the comments here.

He isn’t simply pleading insanity. The defense is trying to avoid a guilty verdict on some particular charges with large prison sentences. The defense is claiming that he did not intend to interfere with official duties.

He’s facing two charges: attempted kidnapping of a U.S. official (which requires the intent to interfere with official duties) and assault on an immediate family member of a U.S. official (which also requires the intent to interfere with or retaliate against the official over their duties). The kidnapping charge carries a 20-year prison sentence and the assault has a 30-year term.

They’re basically saying, “yes my client committed assault and kidnapping, but not for the reason required to be found guilty of those particular charges. Therefore, he is not guilty.

It doesn’t sound like their argument holds up because, even though his reasons are crazy, they still show he intended to interfere with official duties. But this is not a “put me in an insane asylum” attempt. It’s a not-guilty (of those particular charges) attempt.

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The article is really light on details - all I see is the guy was trying to enter the wrong house and was dead on the front porch. Hopefully (for lack of a better term), the student was actively entering the house and threatening the shooter. Maybe he was shot in the doorway and collapsed on the porch, or was shot inside the house and retreated to the porch before collapsing.

And, of course, it could be a psycho who just shot at the first perception of a possible threat.

Situation sucks no matter what.

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Even accepting the premise that this inheritance is indivisible, their jobs are far from the most important factor.

I did the math for the interest rate since they didn’t bother to in the article. The article says she had paid $1400/mo for 3 years and had only paid 10,000 toward principal. Assuming that’s 36 months of payments, the interest rate would be around 15.5%. The payment term would have been 10 years and total payments would end up being $168k.

Predatory lenders and financial illiteracy; a perfect match made in hell.

I started reading the series around 2002, when there were 3 books. Martin released book 4 in 2005. In the afterward of the book he said that book 6 was basically already done… book 6 didn’t come out for 6 more years (2011).

It’s been 12 years. We're waiting on book 7. Given his age, it doesn’t seem like the series will be finished by Martin. Hopefully he actually does know what happens through the rest of the story and has it down for whoever takes up the mantle.

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A total fine of $25m USD spread across three carriers. I have no idea what the scale is of the mobile providers are in SK. Is $25m much money or is this a US-style slap on the wrist fine (aka “the cost of doing business”)?

Morbius isn’t a great one to point at as an example where this rule of thumb fails because the reviews were brigaded. It was a huge meme and would have been flooded with meme user reviews.

The first one that comes time mind is the one I’ve watched the most times and pretty much know by heart: The Princess Bride.

That said, I wonder how much of my love for the movie is nostalgia. Maybe it would ruin it for me. But it would be interesting to find out.

Also why the fuck would they charge for it?

Because they have long since moved away from selling worthwhile products to selling anything they can trick people into buying. Providing value is no longer a concern, only short-term profit.

That is a great article. Everyone here should click over and read that one!

Agreed, but looking in the bright side: it would kill the diamond industry, which is a fucking awful blight on the world :)

As a layman, this doesn’t sound any different than what my (vague) picture of what the “great firewall” already is. My assumption is that the great firewall is generally about:

-preventing those inside China from access unapproved content from outside

-preventing those outside China from accessing unapproved content from inside China

-monitoring and controlling content inside China

Can anyone speak to how this could be notably different than what China has already been doing in that realm? Or correct my understanding of what we believe China already has in place?

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how is gun control going to help the fact that some people out there want to kill as many lives as possible?

By reducing access to a very powerful tool for murder. Here is a comparison of USA and Canadian homicide rates

Are you pointing to a single incident from 5 years ago as evidence that non-gun mass murders are common in Canada? Do you think that when gun control is enacted, all the people that would have committed murder via gun would instead commit as much murder using improvised weapons? If so, can you show any data that bears this out?

Even though other methods of murder can be devised, restricting access to the easiest, fastest method is effective in reducing murder.

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As the spouse of a teacher, I completely agree. Add to that the complete lack of authority the schools and teachers have. You can have a child that desperately needs assistance but if the parents say no or are just lazy, nothing can be done. I have repeatedly been exposed to just how gutless the school district is here and I assume it is the same in most US schools. They are terrified of parents being upset with the to the extent that classrooms become unmanageable because of one troubled student who is allowed to run amok because the school won’t do anything and their parents don’t care.

Or use a scale.

Elevated blood pressure is a common alcohol withdrawal symptom, but it looks like 9 days may be a long time for this symptom to last. As you’ve already seen from others, talking to a dr is probably a good idea at this point (if you have the means to do so).

I hear you. I’m trying to be hopeful, but agree there is a good chance the shooter was looking for a reason to shoot.

I think there is an important factor you are missing here — although I fully acknowledge I may be missing something; I’m no tire expert.

Per your source, fat tires have lower roller resistance than narrow tires at the same pressure. A quick search shows that 700cc tires are usually run around 100psi. Fat tires appear to run at or below 30psi. Fat tires generally provide a cushier ride because they deform, but that deformation expands the contact patch and ups the rolling resistance. Are there super high pressure fat tires? I’m guessing no, but maybe that’s something I’m just not aware of.

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There seems to be one or two specific platformers that you loved and you using that(those) specific game(s) to state that PS2 3D platformers were generally great and universally better than today’s platformers. One does not follow the other.

And you are taking your personal preference for a very specific art style and using it as your justification for calling these platformers “objectively superior”. You keep telling people to “prove” you wrong but no matter how many specific examples people give you, you are very strongly objecting based on your subjective preferences. We cant prove you out of your own particular desire for a particular game.

Great! I joined 14 days ago and have been seeing massive growth in content (and what I would consider quality content) in that time. When I stated, things seemed pretty bare and at this point, it’s filling my Reddit craving.

Along with that, Voyager has been an amazing app and the rate at which they are improving it has been unbelievable. I feel like I see a substantial update every day or two.

I’ve been off Reddit since the protest and am pretty much at the point that I don’t miss anything about it. There’s a handful of Apollo features I still miss, but at this rate, Voyager will fill in those gaps in no time.

Dude. Your behavior here is really weird. People are responding to your unhinged flailing and trying to explain why the one source we currently have appears to be reputable. They are giving you reasons to believe that this source is very likely to be telling the truth while you wait for confirmation from other sources. You appear to have gone from a possibility you’ve identified (the possibility that this article is all made up) and inflated the probability of that being true to crazytown levels.

You seem to see conspiracy in the lack of a second source. There is a much more mundane explanation for the lack of that source you desperately need: this story just broke today (Friday). It takes a reputable source more than an hour or two to do their own research and verification and write their own article. Give it time. Yes, verifying news through multiple sources is a good thing. Yes, when there is more published about this, we will be better equipped to judge the accuracy of this article. But you seem to think journalism happens automatically and instantly.

Agreed. I’m 40 and I’ve reached a point where I feel like an adult. The biggest piece of that is that I understand that we’re all just making it up and figuring things out.

Imposter syndrome is also an intrinsic part of feeling like you aren’t an adult. Most of us experience this frequently - we have that feeling that everyone knows more than us and it makes us feel like we are fakes. But in reality, we just know more about ourselves and the gaps in our knowledge. We assume that they they know more than they do because we aren’t in their head and they aren’t expressing all the uncertainty and doubt hiding in there.

I think there is a pretty big difference between hearing people like you and me say “everyone is just making it up” and really internalizing that. I think internalization comes with time - you can believe something conceptually but often need to see it in practice over and over to really believe it in your bones.

There are other factors, too, which come with age and experience. Adults on the younger side are constantly running into new adult things and not knowing how to do those things is going to created this self doubt. “If I were an adult, I’d know how to do an insurance claim” or whatever. With further age, you will learn these things and have fewer of these doubts.

Alarmed (iOS only, unfortunately). It allows you to set nagging reminders with notifications and has great features for snoozing a reminder or setting up routine reminders.

It’s great for ADHD. I basically use it for my schedule I’ll have it remind me the morning of something (or the day before depending on the event), when the reminder comes up, I’ll snooze it to to just before I have to leave.

I had been using apples “reminders”, which just seem to disappear into the ether if you happen to miss the notification.

FYI, this is not a tech support community. You might want to delete this post to save the poor mods from the headache - it looks like they’ve been struggling with this issue lately.

Answer: from the instance you are subscribed to (, search for the relevant community like so:

!community@instance.domain (replace the community and instance with the one you are looking for.)

The community might not come up the first time. If it doesn’t, wait a second and perform the search again. At that point, assuming your instance is federated with the instance you are looking for, you should find the community. Click in. Subscribe. You are done!

I recommend starting with season 4. Then if you end up liking it, loop back to seasons 1-3. This is old TV where each episode is made to stand on its own.