2024 France election live updates: Prime Minister Attal plans to resign as projections show leftists lead

Stamau123@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 194 points –
Live updates: French leftists win most seats in legislative elections, pollsters say

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Far right lost in Poland, far right lost in the UK and now far right lost in France. I sincerely hope USA will follow.

I hope so. The Project 2025 dude saying they will be shooting people with in 180 days of Trumps election caused a bit of a stir

Could I get a source on this please? I’ve read that horseshit plan and this doesn’t seem outside the realm of possibility, but a quick search didn’t turn up anything relevant

The head of the heritage foundation, the "think tank" that wrote project 2025, said "we are in a second revolutionary war, and there won't be any violence if the left doesn't interfere."

Rephrasing that slightly by taking out the "weasel word" double negatives, it works out to be "there will be violence if the left interferes." Since the plan is supposed to be executed in 180 days, I expect the commenter above is taking the guys comments to their implied conclusion.

Now if only we can get the right to lose as well. This 'centrist' (right) shit keeps leading us all directly back to far-right behaivour.