rule (reminder don't take dietary advice from internet strangers) to – 295 points –

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(reminder don't take dietary advice from internet strangers)

Here's my fact based advice: on average, people that eat food sometimes live longer than people that do not eat food. You should sometimes eat food.

Ignore my advice at your own peril.

I did some research and this one is backed up by actual medical science, folks…

Ancel Keys' seminal study on starvation demonstrated the severe health consequences and decreased life expectancy associated with prolonged lack of food intake (Keys et al., 1950).

So at the very least I would err on the side of eating some food, sometimes, rather than no food, never, until you talk to your doctor or nutritionist. :)

On the one hand, there's a strong correlation between eating food and dying ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯