This Patch Boosts Linux Gaming Performance By 50%+ (And other programs) to – 194 points –
This Patch Boosts Linux Gaming Performance By 50% and More

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Doing that improved performance for Windows apps on Linux when using Wine or Valve's Proton that is based on the former. [...] benchmarks that show games running better with average improvement rates ranging from 50% to 150% when using the new driver compared to not using it.

Talking about improvements for Wine and Proton then providing no actual data for Proton (which is already using a completely different mehod for syncs - yes the basic wine method sucks) is either stupid or intentionally misleading.

I believe this replaces esync and fsync. IIRC it's slightly faster and has the benefit of being mainlined.

fsync is mainlined since January 2022 (5.16 iirc).