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Joined 2 months ago

The majority of "Linux issues" is created intentionally. It's often not enough to not support Linux officially (even if there would be no additional work involved anyway) and let players figure out problems on their own. A lot of studios, publishers and developers actually go out of their way and actively invest time to block Linux.

So nothing will obviously change. Windows could run on a fully compatible Linux kernel tomorrow and games would still check for Linux to artificially create issues.

No... the Crowdstrike debacle primarily shows the dangers of today's corporate culture in software development.

Ship as fast as possible, fix issues later if necessary...

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"More Tech and Venture Capital Execs Are Coming Out as MAGA Believers of Tax Cuts, Deregulation and Corruption"

Fixed that headline...

Doing that improved performance for Windows apps on Linux when using Wine or Valve's Proton that is based on the former. [...] benchmarks that show games running better with average improvement rates ranging from 50% to 150% when using the new driver compared to not using it.

Talking about improvements for Wine and Proton then providing no actual data for Proton (which is already using a completely different mehod for syncs - yes the basic wine method sucks) is either stupid or intentionally misleading.

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Yeah, why would you try to actually solve a problem instead of just applying a band-aid that the next administration can rip of again (by incresing the size of the court again)?

BTRFS raid on LUKS-encrypted devices (no LVM, all unlocked with one password via SystemD encrypt hooks).

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Yes, you are missing the fact that it's mostly not people making Archlinux their personality, but people making meme'ing about "Archlinux users" their personality. For the vast majority it's just an OS.

Cuddling up to the hard right might look like a strategical move but it never works. Normalising them only shifts the discussion further to the right. And let's face it... in this post-factual time where all that matters is the narratives, giving them a platform will only help to brain-wash more people into believing right-wing fake-solutions to actual problems.

When you say system drive this will also have your efi system partition (usually FAT-formated as that's the only standard all UEFI implementations support), maybe also a swap partition (if not using a swap file instead) etc... so it's not just copiying the btrfs partition your system sits on.

Yes clonezilla will keep the same UUID when cloning (and I assume your fstab properly uses UUIDs to identify drivees). In fact clonezilla uses different tools depending on filesystem and data... on the lowest level (so for example on unlocked encrypted data it can't handle otherwise) clonezilla is really just using dd to clone everything. So cloning your disk with clonezilla, then later expanding the btrfs partition to use up the free space works is an option

But on the other hand just creating a few new partitions, then copying all data might be faster. And editing /etc/fstab with the new UUIDs while keeping everything else is no rocket science either.

The best thing: Just pick a method and do it. It's not like you can screw up it up as long if your are not stupid and accidently clone your empty new drive to your old one instead...

Ventoy and...

Clonezilla, (custom) ArchISO, Tails

the stuff you might need to safe other people's PCs sigh ...

HBCD_PE, Windows 11

If I hadn't included those in my ArchISO already I would probably add..

one of the usual Rescue ISOs, GParted Live.

Bonus points for Ventoy's ISO partiiton doubling as simple storage.

PS: Thanks for the reminder to update some of them again.

It's the other way around. All those PCs are bluescreening at boot. So that prevents fixing the system remotely and on a large scale. Now poor IT guys have to fix evey single one by hand.

misinformation != desinformation

Both exist plenty...

with Apple dominating Europe...

Your own map diagrees, with 100% of the picked examples from Europe having Samsung as market leader.

Which btw is the reason many people ended up with Archlinux... after the x-th time looking up some configuration issues on another distro and landing there.

So this is what happens when a Fiat Multipla develops into its final form in all its glorious ugliness...

Dual booting with Windows is always a pain, because Windows likes to nuke and replace your boot menu. The safest bet is keep Windows strictly separated: You create a 2nd efi system partition on your second drive with linux, use a boot loader there and then set everything up to start that as default. And then you configure the boot loader to chainload windows from it's own ESP on disk one. This way Windows is oblivious about linux systems it might try to damage. And you can then set the boot loader menu to a default or to default to the last system booted. (2 separate ESPs on on disk might work, but that is not supported by UEFI, so it depends on your hardware's implementation if they are recognized or if it just stops after having found the first...).

I would assume what you did was install the Linux boot loader (efi file) as the default like removable drives do (so grub's efi file installed as esp/EFI/BOOT/BOOT64.efi which is the default for removably drives to take priority; done via grub-install with the --removable flag, some installations might use this by default...)

Zen Kernel is the opposite of "optimized for gaming".

It was once the default kernel for out-of-the-box gaming simply because it had fsync patches integrated. But since fsync is in the normal kernel for quite some time now zen is obsolete for that purpose.

I mean it's still an okay choice for any desktop environment but it is definitely not optimized for gaming as it sacrifices throughput and is more tailored to multitasking of a lot of smaller things running to provide a snappy desktop experience.

But they don't. I mean call for him to step back, not having a plan (which they probably also don't have).

This is a massive campaign of media bullshitting (like in this case where you can try to find that statement from Obama, when in reality the best you will get is that someone said someone else told them that Obama had said this in private...). I guess a shitshow incarnate as Trump would just fit today's media operation of enragement farming and doom scrolling much better and who would ever look further than to their next bottom line.

Stick to a specific distro and train your staff

Linux is Linux. Train your staff to properly use one and they can use them all. "Distro" is just a fancy word for "which package manager and update cycle to we chose and what logo do we put on our pre-installed wallpaper".

fsync is mainlined since January 2022 (5.16 iirc).

Which is a good point to remind people to install pacman-contrib and make running pacdiff regularly a habit...

Yes, there is.

Should XY be tagged as NSFW is not asking about if the tag should exist on certain topics (that's indeed something you can ignore with your own settings) but about if people should be forced to flag stuff as NSFW. And I refuse to tag stuff as NSFW just because I can imagine someone, somehow, in some rare context wanting that tag. Because by then it lost all meaning and we should do an "Yes this is safe for 4 years olds"-tag instead.

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Btrfs can mostly fo everything you would normaly use LVN or raid for natively.

Btrfs raid0 lets you combine any number of differently sized drives into one (just without the speed boost of traditional raid0 because with flexible drive sizes data is not symmetrical striped). And btrfs raid1 keeps every data duplicated, again with flexible number and sizes of drive (also with metadata on every drive).

The sytemd hooks (instead of the traditional busybox ones) then manage the one other task you use LVM for: unlocking multiple partitons (for example multiple raid partitons and swap) with just one password. Because the systemd encrypt function tries unlooking all luks partitions it finds with the first password provided and only asks for passwords for each partition if that doesn't work.

PS: btrfs subvolumes are already flexible in size and don't need predefined sizes. So the only things that need to be created separately are non-btrfs stuff like the efi system partition or a physical swap (which you can also skip by using a swap file instead of a partition).

Yes, I actually just use Wine with a default prefix and pray it works. If it doesn't (rarely) then the game gets his own prefix to tweak the settings.

Mice are so standardized that basically any problem with the basic buttons has to be a configuration issue. I have never seen a mouse not working under Linux. Unless of course you are talking about programmable and RGB stuff coming with proprietary software, but I never understood their appeal (in fact I'm also still prefering cables over batteries over recharging ones -as the internal battery is usually what fails first-).

The main trash you accumulate are config files in you home directory because they stay after the package is uninstalled. And they just sit there not hurting anybody.

I think it's not a newbie but a general user issue. I have learned to recognize the linux newbies for whom Arch is a good fit over time... just by watching which people distro hop until landing with Archlinux.

PS: And among the typical distro hoppers is really a big chunk of them... because for a lot of them distro hopping is just a symptom of wanting to make the mandatory big system upgrades every few years at best worth it by trying something new. Those should actually get a rolling distro as a recommendation much earlier.

Depends on the intended effect... I personally see this as just one single piece in a big wave of equally dilettante articles used to convey one message to the caual reader: that 3d printing is bad, dangerous and needs to be regulated.

And we all know who's willing to pay money to push that story...

you didn’t say what file system your /boot partition was using, so I don’t want to guess

It's actually easy to guess. There is exactly one filesystem UEFI has to support by its specification, everything else is optional... so unless you produce for Apple -because they demand apfs support for their hardware- no vendor actually cares to implement anything but FAT.