Las Vegas' dystopia-sphere, powered by 150 Nvidia GPUs and drawing up to 28,000,000 watts, is both a testament to the hubris of humanity and an admittedly impressive technical feat | PC Gamer to – 962 points –
Las Vegas' dystopia-sphere, powered by 150 Nvidia GPUs and drawing up to 28,000,000 watts, is both a testament to the hubris of humanity and an admittedly impressive technical feat

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If you were able to separate your ideas from yourself, then me questioning your ideas wouldn’t be so deeply offensive to you.

this isn't about questioning my ideas. it's about developing evidence to support your position. you still haven't don that.

I have. You just are blind to anything that challenges your behavior. Luckily, you have managed to reverse your stance somewhat on factory farms. That's a great win. I hope it sticks with you.

more posturing and rhetoric and personal attacks. no evidence.