Las Vegas' dystopia-sphere, powered by 150 Nvidia GPUs and drawing up to 28,000,000 watts, is both a testament to the hubris of humanity and an admittedly impressive technical feat | PC Gamer to – 962 points –
Las Vegas' dystopia-sphere, powered by 150 Nvidia GPUs and drawing up to 28,000,000 watts, is both a testament to the hubris of humanity and an admittedly impressive technical feat

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It's incredibly easy to search, I have provided an article, but there are many many more that you can easily find. It's been known for a long time. And isn't disagreed on.

It’s incredibly easy to search,

this is not evidence

I have provided an article, but there are many many more that you can easily find.

this is not evidence

It’s been known for a long time.

this is not evidence

And isn’t disagreed on.

this is not evidence

Well, I think we should be thankful for the progress you made. It's so nice to see you now talking against factory farms. Hopefully, you are stro g enough to put your money where your mouth is. Talk only does so much, it's who you support with your energy that really matters.