What is the actual point of a bra?

EABOD25@lemm.ee to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 205 points –

Let me preface this by saying I am a man, and smoked a little too much, so I'm sitting here thinking... what is or was the original purpose of a bra? Weight support? Vanity? Covering the nips so people's eyes met your eyes and you can have a normal conversation? Like what's it all about?


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Ngl. I've hit my nipples on things and it sucks. My dogs have ran their nails across them and they burn for the rest of the day. I totally feel that pain

However I'm a guy and have had to apologize multiple times to women because my eyes just trail down to the chest. I don't know psychosomatics of it, but it's not something I consciously intend to do.

Beyond that, I don't mind whether women do or don't wear a bra. Breastfeed in public if needed. It all should truly be none of my business. However, I donate to breast cancer research every year for a reason. And that reason is I think about boobs. My wife has my favorite pair though.

Anyway, I digress, I never really knew the original purpose of them and figured I could satiate my curiosity and have a conversation about boobs with people

Curious why you don't just ask your wife.

Good question! She said, and I quote "I don't know. What the fuck is going on in your head right now?"