9 Post – 227 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Damn. You beat me to it

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Squash and zuchinni

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What the hell were you doing bringing up illegal things then? That's not what the topic was about and it seems like a deflection. Illicit substances are ILLICIT for any age, so I don't see what your argument is now. Just seems sarcastic and opposing

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or e.g. potentially harmful products, such as power tools without certain currently legally mandated safety features if the buyer is an adult? Are you allowed to sign away certain rights that you are currently not allowed to sign away, e.g. should an adult be allowed to sign themselves over to slavery without the possibility to undo it?

I have no clue what you were getting at with the drugs, but depending on the circumstance, teenagers that are of the age to enlist can do certainly do these things. I went through two furloughs where I didn't get paid on deployment and didn't get compensation. In fact, at one point my checks were garnished because my admin screwed up on per diem when I initially had them check everyday before my transfer to make sure the money was right. They got so pissed at me that their chief told me to not approach their office again with this issue, and they fucked me anyway. I owed around $5000 to the Department of The Treasury because they told me the leftover monet wasn't an error and that I could go on with my life. That was wrong. And what was I supposed to do? Not do my job? If I would have done that, I would have got an NJP which would have costed me 50% of the 25% that was already garnished. So how is that not slavery or at the very least indentured servitude?

And let me make it clear, I signed the contract that said, "You're officially government property." we pay you as long as you do what you're supposed to do. I did what I was supposed to do and got fucked anyway. I couldn't pay my rent or bills, so the utilities reached out to my command and I got fucked even more. I had to go to financial management training and was barred from living out in town. You telling me that's justified?

And with power tools, if you seem like you have a brain in your head, the military will throw you power tools. 17, 18, 19. Doesn't matter

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Before I answer that. I'd respectfully ask you clarify what you meant by your comment then. I might have misunderstood

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Join the military and ask yourself that question again

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This is art

Ha! I love it. It looks like that old, grumpy cop that's 3 months from retirement

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I wonder what her trailer looks like

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Even if it is for profit, it can still be used to save someone's life.

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Fuck that lol. Curse all you want, but curse to people. Not at them

Surf the internet while I drink my morning coffee

Nah friend. I agree with you 100%

Yeah but not all people need or want that. I agree with op. Camaraderie makes the job easier.

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Reddit needs to die. They don't care about the user base, it's a cyberbullies paradise, they allow sub moderators to use software to block your IP even though an IP ban is supposed only be done by administrators, but admin doesn't care because they get money. And now that they've partnered with Google they can have an algorithm go ahead and block every email associated with Google.

Also if you really want to see how censored reddit is ran now, go to one of the most popular subs and just try to use the word "moderator" in a post. You don't even have to criticize them. They literally block the word from getting used because they refuse criticism

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Very fitting for a US mascot; he's always in places you'd never expect him to be and totally got away with murder

Probably not much at this particular point in time unless you mean getting blown up by rocket fire

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Aiden is tradition Gaelic and it means "fire". Caiden is also Gaelic meaning "battle" Braiden is Gaelic meaning "salmon" Jayden is Hebrew for "God will judge" Hayden is old English meaning "hedged valley"

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Alright ladies. You're hurting this guys feelings. Guess you should tone down your individual right to good labor, job security, and adequate pay. You're hurting too many men's egos. It's tragic /s

I don't know what game she's trying to play, but it's definitely a game

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I understand it to a degree. There are radical Muslims who do not do great things to gay people, but the majority of civilians who reside or resided there previously have not given evidence of any wrongdoing of that nature, but are getting blown up anyway. And blasted on the internet as dangerous Muslims

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Give what you can afford. That varies from person to person, and timeframe, but if you truly have nothing to give, then you have nothing to give without impacting your own existance. Plus if you're a person living off of people's kindness and get mad when people have nothing, then they aren't the problem

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I'm an optimist, so I'll believe one day we'll have a utopian society like in Star Trek. I ask politely you don't criticize me too harshly

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Why did this walking toothpick put the one thing down that was keeping him from getting his head beat in?

Your comment doesn't seem very centrist, but that's neither here-nor-there. How did you perceive this as "Kill all others"?

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That one is difficult because in star trek they had replicators that could make any food instantly. I've never actually watch B5, so can't speak on that, but at least in the star trek universe, fast food would be pointless unless it was in the Delta or Gamma quadrants because it was never spoken about with the residents there. Good question though

Don't worry. It's going to get worse because they've went deeper with their partnership with Google. Google has access to reddit's API and user data while reddit gets access to a back-end AI. What you are suspecting is only the start of things to come.

Good question! She said, and I quote "I don't know. What the fuck is going on in your head right now?"

I don't think Mr. Netanyahu knows what ceasefire means

IMO, you mistook small talk for conversation. There's a time for small talk and there's a time for conversation. It's kind of awkward when we as people get motivated enough to talk to other people, but can't read the signs when the small talk or the conversation have hit a stopping point.

Another opinion of mine I that you introduced yourself as more senior than them in your trade. Now it's up to them to want to continue the dialog. Just keep doing your thing your way, besides giving the new people a chance to choose to talk to you. If they do, then find ways to share your wisdom through conversation. If they choose to not talk to you, then trust your coworkers give them the wisdom.

Don't waste too much mental energy on it because ultimately, if your work is good, it doesn't matter your attitude towards new people as long as you're not going out of your way to alienate them

I might get in trouble for this, but if I ever see Skhreli in person, I'll do my best to make sure his nose lays flat across his cheek. He's a garbage being that's less than rats

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Well, best of luck to you when you speak to women in the wild

The one time I played MTG, I used a loaner flying deck. It was 4 person pvp (I don't know the actual phrases that devoted players use) and I won. It was cool, but I credited it to the prebuilt deck that was handed to me, but I always said that if I do ever get into MTG, it's going to be a flying deck

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Oh no. It's not really like that. It's more about hardships and kindnesses than it is about bullying. The main character is flawed, but he also goes out of his way to try and make things right. It's a pretty good story, but I understand where you're coming from

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Exactly what I was thinking. They're probably like "We'll set a hotel up for you in Syria or Lebanon. Trust us"

Who are you supposed to vote for when you feel it doesn't matter? Or when you feel that all candidates are insufficient?

Additionally, if we're speaking of the US, the electoral college can and will supercede the popular vote. We literally put these people in power just to say we're wrong and they will quickly say we're wrong and work against the popular votes because we gave them the authority

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Ngl. I've hit my nipples on things and it sucks. My dogs have ran their nails across them and they burn for the rest of the day. I totally feel that pain

However I'm a guy and have had to apologize multiple times to women because my eyes just trail down to the chest. I don't know psychosomatics of it, but it's not something I consciously intend to do.

Beyond that, I don't mind whether women do or don't wear a bra. Breastfeed in public if needed. It all should truly be none of my business. However, I donate to breast cancer research every year for a reason. And that reason is I think about boobs. My wife has my favorite pair though.

Anyway, I digress, I never really knew the original purpose of them and figured I could satiate my curiosity and have a conversation about boobs with people

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Hey. I'm trying to turn over a new leaf on social media. In situations like this, I will be absolutely serious, direct, and respectful. Regardless of if you disagree with my view, I politely ask the same thing. We need to talk to each other with respect regardless of our views. Agreed?

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They're terrified of the tech savvy user, and that's funny to me