UPDATE: Here is the final design of the Humorless Toaster, that this wonderful community helped me pick yesterday! (Needless to say one of the previous versions was unintentionally problematic)

Road_Warrior_10@lemmy.world to Games@lemmy.world – 469 points –

Thank you all for contributing, here is a link to the original post: https://lemmy.world/post/19721257

Also if you want to support the game, a simple wishlist will make my day :) Steam link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2336120/Do_Not_Press_The_Button_To_Delete_The_Multiverse/


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Ha! I love it. It looks like that old, grumpy cop that's 3 months from retirement

He was planning to retire 6 months ago, but the market hasn't been doing great and his brother in law had to borrow some money to deal with gambling debts.