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Joined 12 months ago

Is GN going to put Google on a Performance Improvement Plan like they did with Asus?

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Yahoo is still around in some form or another.

Alphabet has enough money to persist well after they lose relevance.


Interviewer: This airplane that was involved in the incident off Western Oregon this week...

Senator Collins: The one the door plug fell off?

Interviewer: Yeah.

Senator Collins: Yeah, that’s not very typical, I’d like to make that point.

Interviewer: Well, how was it un-typical?

Senator Collins: Well there are a lot of these airplanes going around the world all the time, and very seldom does anything like this happen. I just don’t want people thinking that 737 max 9's aren’t safe.


Senator Collins: Well, some of them are built so that the door plug doesn’t fall off at all.

Interviewer: Wasn’t this built so that the door plug wouldn’t fall off?

Senator Collins: Well, obviously not.

Interviewer: How do you know?

Senator Collins: Well, because the door plug fell off at 20,000 feet and all the air spilled out. It’s a bit of a giveaway. I’d just like to make the point that that is not normal.

Interviewer: Well what sort of engineering standards are these 737 MAX 9's built to?

Senator Collins: Oh, very rigorous aerospace engineering standards.

Interviewer: What sort of thing?

Senator Collins: Well, the door plug's not supposed to fall off for a start.


Interviewer: So the allegations that they’re just designed to carry as many passengers as possible no matter the consequences, I mean that’s ludicrous isn’t it?

Senator Collins: Absolutely ludicrous, these are very very strong vessels.

Interviewer: So what happened in this case?

Senator Collins: Well, the door fell off in this case by all means, but it’s very unusual.

Interviewer: But Senator Collins, why did the door plug fall off?

Senator Collins: Well air hit it.

Interviewer: Air hit it?

Senator Collins: Air hit the plane.

Interviewer: Is that unusual?

Senator Collins: Oh yeah. At altitude? Chance in a million!

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How do statements like that not spook investors? You're telling me that leadership in the world's largest internet hosting service are making decisions without collecting relevant data first, or worse, wilfully ignoring the data available that doesn't support their preference? That is not a good sign for the future growth of AWS.

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Do bondsman need publicity? They literally have a captive market.

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The difference is that Biden IS the current president and is the one that sidestepped congress to give Israel aid without many strings attached. Yeah, come November, don't choose orange, but that doesn't mean Biden shouldn't face pressure in the meantime.

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I'm still waiting for hexagon monitors as they are clearly the bestagon.

With an ad blocking dns.


Go down to the configure manually option and follow the instructions for iPhone.

I think next guard is also supposed to be decent, but they won't let you use it without an account.

The nice thing about the dns approach is it works for more than just your web browser. There's a bunch of Android games that are essentially unplayable without an adblocking dns.

As a disclaimer, a bunch of sites are ramping up requiring enabling ads or they won't let you load the content. I'm ok with just hitting back and not viewing those sites, but my MIL just asked for help removing the ad guard dns because her news sites wouldn't let her in.

Reported someone for showing up to work drunk. He was fired shortly after. It was justified because in his job, he put others at risk of harm in addition to himself, but it still feels bad.

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And don't give them the authority to change the multiplier number.

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Dr. Zoidberg we know that's you.

Because the way you probably raise your foot toward you when putting on your socks ends up with that spot pointing toward your eyes.

As to how that helps before you've actually got the sock on, you'll have to ask the designer.

Two suggestions: run a humidifier. Preferably use a steam one with distilled water. The ultrasonic cool mist ones introduce any minerals and bacteria that are in the water into the air.

The easiest suggestion is to change your blanket. I'm guessing you're wrapping yourself in a fuzzy fleece blanket. Synthetic fibers like polyester transfer way more static charge than natural fibers. Try looking for a cotton or wool throw. Or for something fuzzy, find a sheep pelt with wool on it. Even using a cotton sheet between you and your current blanket should reduce the amount of charge buildup.

A side benefit of changing blanket materials, is that any blanket that generates a lot of static charge also holds loads of dust and pet hairs. A less static generating blanket will stay cleaner longer.

The easiest way to discharge is to touch a metal faucet. If you have copper pipes, they'll be grounded, but even just the tap water is conductive enough to dissipate most of the charge.

All the decaf coffee I've tried has less flavor than normal. The soaking process to decaffeinate it presumably also removes some of the flavorful compounds. If I use 3 shots decaf it ends up tasting close to as flavorful as using 2 shots of normal.

Because when looking to replace work horses with a steam engine you didn't care what the absolute peak output of a horse was. You needed to know how big of an engine you needed based on how large the team of horses already powering the application was. Anyone trying to run a horse anywhere near their peak output for any length of time would injure them.

Under paying is a good way to make sure that the only people who run for office have financial incentives outside of the salary. Ie: it makes corruption and insider trading more likely.

I would say we should pay them enough to have a solidly comfortable upper middle class lifestyle in perpetuity, and force them to relinquish all prior assets and holdings beside their family home/vehicles. Ideally, these would be highly respected community members and making the comfortable would be commendable. However, they should not be able to leverage their position for personal gain. That should be true after their tenure as well. They should be given a sizeable pension, but any earning related to their office should be forfeit to an approved non-profit. That means speaking engagements and book deals should not be a source of income.

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There's no fda approved male birth control because everything they've tried to specifically target fertility has other unacceptable side effects.

So view this as a canary in a coal mine scenario. This is one aspect of health that's easy to measure, but without further study we cannot assume that there aren't other more severe health complications associated with exposure to pesticides.

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An international minimum wage should be established and imports made without meeting that wage should have substantial tariffs.

Blower fans are better if you want a bunch of cards in one system. Open air coolers dump too much of the hot air back into the case and are usually thicker. For non-gaming loads it's frequently better to have more cards at less than max speed.

Specifically an encyclopedia.

Going down a Wikipedia rabbit hole can be a reasonable digital alternative.

Whoever came up with the idea probably had really good grades.

He was an old guy without a lot of employment options, so getting fired likely had a very negative impact on his quality of life. I know he did it to himself, but it's the only time where a decision I made was a clear link in the chain of someone else's life getting significantly worse. It was necessary, but still sucked.

That's flawed logic. The company would pretty easily know who has been emailing to request the source code for that specific tool in the timeline just before this post. The lemmy profile may be anonymous, but I doubt OP's emails were.

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It's probably important to establish when the crew noticed anomolous pressure readings. Did they continue the flight after sensors indicated a problem? Did the crew follow procedure after the failure, and was that procedure sufficient to protect passengers and crew?

These investigations are usually centered on whether there needs to be a change in procedure, training, maintenance schedules, and design. It's not like they're trying to pin the blame on a pilot pressing a mysterious "eject door plug" button.

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It solves a stagnant demand for vending machines and gives a made up growth path for him to take to their investors.

This sounds terrible. If I can't pick up a product and look at the packaging for specs or ingredients before deciding which item to pick, why wouldn't I buy online instead? This is a great way for retail to finally cut one of their last benefits.

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Will there be any rule changes/enforcement to keep ISP's from dividing up territories into regional monopolies?

I have two AT&T fibers running under my front yard, but they'll only offer me a dial up connection. Spectrum cable is my only real option, and they keep raising the price.

My problem has nothing to do with a lack of infrastructure and is clearly the result of collusion that is supposedly illegal.

Why would you make more e-waste if you were still happy with your deck yesterday? This is a relatively minor refresh.

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I greatly appreciate the lack of reddit meta getting repeated adnauseum. 69 and 420 references really stop being funny when repeated in so many threads.

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After hearing so many people singing their praises, I finally got a membership.

I used it precisely once. Their prices really were not very good on 90% of what I looked at. Plus they really encourage overconsumption.

Aldi ends up being more convenient and generally cheaper for groceries for me.

I'm not trying to yuck your yum, I just wanted to express an unimpressed opinion for other fencesitters.

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This was pretty close to being true for 1080p and lower resolutions. If you get a 4k 120hz HDR display then bandwidth and signal integrity start becoming very important. The article you linked is rather old and really only considers media up to 4k 30fps. Cable quality especially matters at lengths above 4 ft for uhd and higher.

There's a lot of snake oil so you can't just trust marketing claims. I've had terrible luck with cables that claim to support high resolutions from amazon and even monoprice. I've resorted to buying cables from actual electronics suppliers like digikey since their speed ratings should be accurate.

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It also seems like most people think that if they are vaccinated they can ignore it entirely.

Vaccinated individuals still experience the first stages of infection and still develope a high enough viral load to be contagious. The vaccines are effective at decreasing the duration and severity of infection, but they can't prevent it entirely.

People who know they were exposed should still isolate for a few days even if they are vaccinated.

Thanks for reminding me I need to start wearing masks again.

No, never. Current charging rates already get close to thermal constraints. Hitting those charging rates either requires accepting much lower power density or using way more metal per cell. This research might inform design changes to improve charging rates, but we'll never see high capacity batteries charging in a minute.

The researchers know this and only mention wearables and iot devices applications. The article author erroneously makes the leap to high energy density devices.

If you don't care about energy density at all, ceramic capacitors can already charge and discharge in microseconds.

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Then you find out that while the new place doesn't have the problems the old place had, it has a whole new set of problems.

Sometimes the devil you know is better than the devil you don't.

Yeah reality and satire are getting close enough that I almost wonder if I should add a disclaimer that's more obvious than the video link.

One of my friends thought I was quoting an interview with Susan Collins.

I too remember getting chewed out for randoming in an unranked match.

Now my friends exclusively play in private lobbies with bots.

Yeah, they grow kind of like a potato as nodules on the roots of an annual plant that's easy to grow as a field crop. As opposed to tree nuts that grow on trees that take a long time to produce, need regular maintenance, need lots of irrigation to produce well, and are more difficult to mechanically harvest.

The two groups are drastically different in what it takes to grow and process them.

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EUV was really hard to crack, but now that they have it working, refinements seem to be going well.

Also, the size of features hasn't actually shrunk all that much from 32nm. What has really improved is the geometry of the transistors and wiring. This allows them to pack many more transistors in the area even if the lithography resolution hasn't actually increased 16 fold. The 2nm name is just describing the relative increase in transistor density compared to the old layouts and densities.

ASML, TSMC and Intel are doing great work though. My comment is not meant to diminish what they've accomplished.

Recent anecdotal evidence shows that elections are not particularly effective at selecting against incompetence.

Applications exposed to corosion really should use external drive fasteners.

Except Trump likely sees him as a brown loser. I highly doubt he has a chance for VP.

I really don't think any of the challengers have a chance for VP. Dictators don't usually embrace would be usurpers into their inner circle.