Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal to – 461 points –
Steam Is Run By Fewer Than 80 Staff, Lawsuit Docs Reveal

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If EGS mandated those things it would be as successful as GOG. Which is irrelevant compared to Steam. Steam didn't become successful because of tags. It's because they were first.

GOG is successful and profitable. EGS loses hundreds of millions of dollars.

Boutique shop successful, therefore Amazon is not a monopoly.

GOG succeeds in one key area that gives me a reason to shop there. Steam succeeds in other areas. Epic succeeds in none. If GOG wants to supplant Steam, they need to be good in that key area and the areas that I value from Steam. If Epic wants to supplant Steam, they need to give a single shit about what their customers want.