Role Playing Computer Games to – 43 points –

Hi, I can't get enough D&D, so was wondering if someone could suggest a computer game that involves actual role-playing, like making a character with personality where interacting with the world based on that personality matters? I've tried some of the traditional D&D games (like DDO), and there is essentially no role-playing involved. You just build characters and run around and kill stuff. That's the hack-and-slash version of D&D that I don't enjoy. I'd preferably like games that aren't super expensive; I think maybe WoW might fit my RP desires, but the $15/month subscription is too steep for me. And I don't want a PvP game. Any suggestions? (Edit: Specifically I'm looking for PC and/or Android games)

Edit: Thanks for all the great suggestions. I've "wishlisted" a lot of them and decided to start with Disco Elysium. I expect to try a bunch of the others throughout the year!


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I have a couple of suggestions that I liked a lot.

-Disco Elysium, very well written. Get the directors cut version, it's fully dubbed. One of the best crpg I played. There's pretty much no fighting in the game. Almost everything is solved with discussion.

-Divinity Original Sin 2, great crpg with a "DM" mode and can be played in multiplayer. Great story and lots of different paths.

-Planescape Torment, such a beautifuly written game. The enhanced edition is currently on sale for like 5$

All three have a very different vibe to them. And I think all three are a must play for fans of the genre.

Gonna tack Pillars of Eternity onto that list. It's so fucking good. The modern Pathfinder games are similarly excellent, as well.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm going to start with Disco Elysium; it sounds really interesting.