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Joined 1 years ago

I'm only still here because account deletion is broken on KBin.

Stop advertising the site as a place to go when you get banned from reddit for being too insufferable even for them.

14 more...

It's the final laptop in the same way that Theseus's boat was the last one he ever bought. You can replace bits piecemeal, but at some point you'll end up with enough leftovers for a whole new laptop.

That said, I have an Intel one and it's a fantastic laptop. Also, not only are the motherboards capable of running on their own outside the laptop, but they've partnered with Cooler Master to make little cases for them so you can turn old mobos into mini PCs.

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Driver code might expose some underlying secret sauce they're using in the hardware. That's the justification they always used to give, at any rate. At this point, though, it's probably some code they've inherited from an acquisition that has a bunch of legal encumbrance stopping it from being open sources.

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That's great and all, but for those of us that do speak English and are expecting certain grammatical norms, eschewing those norms, regardless of the validity of the reason, makes it significantly harder for us to parse.

The question mark is not a rare piece of punctuation, either. It's used in China. It's used in Japan. It's used in Vietnamese, every Romance language I've ever encountered, and every Germanic language I've ever encountered. I'm not saying I understand all those languages, but I can certainly recognize when someone's asking a question in one because the question mark remains the same.

This is a piss-poor excuse and reeks of the attitude of one who's never encountered a language that doesn't use the Latin Alphabet even in passing. Oh yeah, by the way, it's called the Latin Alphabet, not the English Alphabet.

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Spoken like someone who clearly hasn't been practicing. Get gud.

E-ink technology uses some pretty fascinating chemistry to display more natural paper-like on-screen textures as opposed to regular digital Word documents and PDFs.

I have a feeling this author might just be fucking stupid.

Yeah but what expectation could they have had that they'd need to communicate with Bethesda in the first place? The game's been "complete" for several years at this point, and IIRC Skyrim Special Edition (the Skyrim version of what happened here) was both announced in advance and released as a separate game, so mods that weren't getting updates could still function. In light of that, it seems reasonable for the developer to expect advance warning at least in the form of a press release prior to the update being made available. Should they have reached out every week asking whether Bethesda had any plans to update a 10-year-old game?

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Apple might as well be a fashion company at this point.

What an utterly blind, self-centered view. Write good, readable code so you can actually maintain it and so your coworkers don't want to kill you.

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They have no choice but to be smarter than us on account of the pile of garbage they've been given.


Honestly, I don't see what all the fuss is about. To me it feels like coffee, but it only lasts 15 minutes, tastes like shit, and costs upwards of a testicle and a half where I am. And no, I'm not looking for anyone to try and change my mind on that.

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how would you like it if, every time you met a non-American, you would have to announce that you don’t support Trump because they’re trying to “find out who’s who?”

This is already the case.

To add on to what everyone else is saying, compared to the Apollo capsules, Starship is fucking HUGE. Apollo 11's capsule was 10 feet tall by 13 feet in diameter. Starship is 180 feet tall not including the launch vehicle.

Edit to add: Mercury was literally just an ICBM with a dude strapped on top, with Saturn V being based on that design. We're only now beginning to make designs that are actually made just for space travel.

If you can't see that writing readable code is part of the means to that end, I don't know what to tell you. If nobody can maintain the codebase because it's a mess of spaghetti logic and 20-deep dependency trees (I'm looking at you, every JavaScript project I've ever seen), the end product is going to suffer while also making every single engineer working on it want to leave.

This is not a controversial take in professional software development.

Funny, it sure seems like "maintainability should not be a priority" is a pretty controversial take to me.

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You're only saying that because you haven't seen me brew coffee with my buttcheeks.

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I dunno, if I got paid to smoke 3 packs a day I think I'd be pretty happy. I also hate my lungs more than most people though.

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Not to mention, it's a standard now, and the old Supercharger protocol is being phased out in favor of another standardized one (I forget which). Further development done on their chargers from here on out is going to be done by a consortium of companies rather than in-house anyway.

It makes me wonder if and when we'll see clients that also act as single-user instances.

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Someone posted the section it violates further up in the thread.

BG3 runs more reliably on Linux for me, though my Windows install is getting old and crusty these days.

I'm just going to interpret this as DeSantis being completely against pooping and nobody can change my mind.

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I'd argue that premeditating something like this is a rather strong indicator of some form of mental illness.

Race Inspired Cosmetic Enhancements

I'd personally kill for a monitor like this because I work with text all day, every day.

Full autonomy would include all roads and speed limits.

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It's just Lenovo with the Motorola name slapped on it, unfortunately. Google stripped all the useful bits and sold it off about a decade ago.

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Basically, it was in front of me, and I've got an unfortunate amount of experience kicking stimulant habits (I was an Adderall kid), so I figured I wasn't at any particular risk of getting addicted. I tried it a few more times after that and came to the same conclusion, so at this point I don't think I've touched the stuff in over a year.

Also I was drunk every time someone offered it to me.

In my world we prioritize one. And that not the one.

Then I'm really glad I don't live in that world.

A $2000 computer from 10 years ago is about as powerful as a $200 smartphone today. Things get cheaper over time.

Alternatively, you could try delivering the groceries by trebuchet from the back of a flatbed truck

Ok now I know you're being facetious, because a ballista would do that job so much better.

Yeah but at least our smugness isn't based off 30-year-old information, unlike yours.

If it catches on, it'll come down in price. The race to the bottom will happen, it just hasn't had time yet.

My parents used to have this problem with dogs (our neighbors loved to let them shit everywhere but their own yard) and had a great amount of success with lining the perimeter of the property with moth balls.

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Microsoft just wants you to have a better job, obviously!

That's a fair point, but I've already seen what one uninformed, idiotic YouTuber (LTT) is capable of achieving by closing his eyes, putting his fingers in his ears, stamping his feet, and whipping his equally uninformed followers into a frenzy over an issue that was almost entirely his own fault. I fully expect such events to continue as Linux gains popularity.

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It's still a net improvement, even with the incorrect assumption that everyone's electricity is equally filthy. Can we as a species please stop letting the perfect be the enemy of the good for like five minutes?

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Then they either have some exemption or end up benefiting from the law in some indirect but significant way.

Do you want to work in a windowless office for 9-10 hours a day, 5 days a week? I'm not saying we can't shrink the windows down, but having worked in a building with very few windows for way too long, it begins to feel like a jail cell extremely quickly.

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Apparently he's tried to get help for it in the past, but his contract with Adidas says that if he's in any kind of mental healthcare for more than two weeks, he loses all his money or some shit.

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There have been "app store" frontends for most distributions since at least 2012, and packagekit has the same CLI on every major distribution.