evergreen meme

db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com to Lefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.com – 743 points –

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I don't know exactly how much of the bad that was said about Nazis is true, neither how much of the bad said about USSR or Maoists is true, most likely USSR's acts weren't as dramatic as the former, but I'm pointing they were both extremely authoritarian

You sympathized with Nazis by saying the USSR oppressed them, that's more than pointing the USSR out as authoritarian, that's defense of fascism.

emm, I think you didn't live in a communist directed country. Certainly Nazis and these things exist, but not every other ideology or party or organized religion is Nazi plot, authoritarianism leads to political stagnation

Sure, but we have historical evidence of numerous Nazi collabotors working within the USSR to destabilize it, and numerous instances of the White Army attempting to restore the Romanovs.