US says it wants Palestinians to have a country of their own – but its actions say otherwise to World – 178 points –
US says it wants Palestinians to have a country of their own – but its actions say otherwise

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It doesnt work like that, Hamas wants Israel to be wiped off from existence and kill all jews globally, that is stated in their constitution…

It actually does. This happens when you massacres the Palestinian race and steal land since 1948 meanwhile making Apartheid, humiliate the Palestinian people, steal their homes, kill their entire families, acquaintances and friends. At one point, people will break and do anything to fight back. Thats exactly what's happening right now.

Right now, Hamas killed all opposition and their propaganda is deeply rooted into the majority of palestinian population.

The biggest Hamas propoganda is Israel. Happens when you keep murdering entire families, steal homes, lands and do not give actual human rights to the Palestinian people.

It is clearly not as simple as getting rid of all these illegal settlers…

No, you don't say? Thought it was! /s.

EDIT: Forgot to add this:

  1. Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center.

  2. Death toll in Israeli attack on displaced Palestinians in Rafah rises to 45.

  3. Israeli forces’ systemic denial of fair trial rights to Palestinian child prisoners amounts to arbitrary detention.

  4. Israel prevents hundreds of worshippers from entering Al-Aqsa on first night of Ramadan.

  5. Israel's PM Netanyahu 'proud' of preventing establishment of a Palestinian state.

  6. Far-right minister says nuking Gaza an option, PM suspends him from cabinet meetings.

  7. Israel Defense Minister Calls Palestinians ‘Human Animals’ Amid Israeli Aggression.

  8. Video shows Israeli settler trying to take over Palestinian house.

  9. Hamas official says group would lay down its arms if an independent Palestinian state is established

Gaza was already an independant palestinian state, and it is a shit hole thanks to Hamas...

Anyone believing that Hamas would step down once a two state solution is achieved is dumb. Hamas is Iran puppet, they dont give a shit about palestinian...

You have not provided once with an actual source to any of the people (including myself) that commented to you. You are merely stating your personal opinion and I don’t care about your personal opinions. I care about actual facts.

Gaza was already an independant palestinian state, and it is a shit hole thanks to Hamas...

And guess who funded Hamas the entire time? Israel. It is a chaotic mess because Israel does not allow people to leave the open air prison. Hamas members only know war due to Israel’s behavior towards the Palestinian people, Hamas is a literal creation of Israel immense fascistic behavior to the Palestinian people. 

For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces

Gaza: Israel’s ‘Open-Air Prison’

Anyone believing that Hamas would step down once a two state solution is achieved is dumb. Hamas is Iran puppet, they dont give a shit about palestinian...

And all you do is speaking with personal opinion which is drenched in bias. Hamas cares about a Palestinian state. That’s why they were created and are fighting against the tyrant. Against the illegal state Israel which is founded by displacing 750 000, murdering many along the way. Israel is occupying their land. 

If you want to discuss about history and political matters. You ought to be educated in it and not just having personal opinions. Read a book for example; ilan pape the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. 

Since you are only writing with bias and personal opinion and provide zero evidence, sources and facts. I will stop commenting to you and ignore you.


Gaza was already an independant palestinian state, and it is a shit hole thanks to Hamas…

I would like to state that Gaza never has been a independent place. The moment Israel settlers left, Israel made it an open-air prison. My second source proves this. So you are basically lying to try to get your personal opinion (drenched in bias) as ''truth''. That's not how it works.

"Israel far right government" yes. So yes, we should get rid of Hamas and Israel far right government (including israeli illegal settlers).