Alexa had “no profit timeline,” cost Amazon $25 billion in 4 years to – 117 points –
Alexa had “no profit timeline,” cost Amazon $25 billion in 4 years

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Pretty sure each of the companies selling smart home systems like this want to become the dominant go to system, so focusing on earning profits doesn't make much sense. You want to lure customers into your ecosystem and for your solution to become so dominant you become a monopoly, or at least so you don't fall behind and let someone else become ubiquitous. I view it as amazon building infrastructure and supporting future endeavors.

I feel like I see more people using (Google) Assistant and Siri than Alexa, though.

You'd be surprised. Whenever I'm watching webcams, I always hear people call to Alexa. Siri ranks second and I only hear people call Google by accident.