ThiefOfNames she/her

@ThiefOfNames she/
1 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 2 months ago


Oi, just a heads up as you don't seem to use it in a negative way, but ::: spoiler slur tranny ::: is considered a slur these days. Calling someone trans or transgendered is preferred.

Constant harassment? ... a single infraction is enough to remove internet strangers forever.

I think maybe you don't quite understand, doesn't matter how many we block there is always one more phobe just around the corner, and being attacked by these people can be quite taxing emotionally in the long run.

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OP and me are venting, we are well aware that the issues can be mitigated to some extent. Also, this post is literally about someone putting hateful messages in their username and profile picture, hiding your identity won't exactly help then :(

I reported their account and a couple of other ones, hopefully steam will do something eventually.

History disagrees with you. The truth is that regular protests can be ignored, and voting may not always be very accessible (in non-democracies or because of voter suppression) or effective as a means to achieve change where you live (the US and similar countries because of first past the post voting systems). Direct action is absolutely a necessary and important tool for democracies to be functional whatsoever, and is in fact part of how we ensure good workplace conditions and good wages here in Norway (we have regular strikes as part of bargaining with businesses and the state). Hoping and waiting for things to improve is at best a recipe for nothing to happen.

It seems you think that disruptive protests need to be violent or damaging? Strikes are disruptive and harmless and very effective at changing things for the better.

Cajun spice contains garlic! You're safe

I have 6 ears ??

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This sounds familiar! I think this is it! Thank you very much

Dunno? More moderation tools in general. Lemmy mods regularly complain about a lack of tools, but I've never moderated anything so I wouldn't know. The project page probably describes what additional tools it has which is one of the things I'm interested in reading about.

Perhaps some moderators can chime in with what kinda stuff they miss or want?

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Pretty sure each of the companies selling smart home systems like this want to become the dominant go to system, so focusing on earning profits doesn't make much sense. You want to lure customers into your ecosystem and for your solution to become so dominant you become a monopoly, or at least so you don't fall behind and let someone else become ubiquitous. I view it as amazon building infrastructure and supporting future endeavors.

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I haven't heard about piefed before, but I'll be keeping an eye on this one as well. Thanks!

Biology is far more complicated than you make it out to be. You are also invalidating cis people with your terfy logic about producing babies

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Biological sex is not binary, and the purpose of women isn't just squeezing children out. I called your logic terfy because your talking points are eerily similar to theirs.

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Your issue is you have two boxes, female and male, when intersex conditions are the result of sex being a spectrum. Intersex conditions can happen in a multitude of ways, and many are not very outwardly detectable.

Masulinization and feminization is a complicated and messy process which results in people with sexual characteristics outside the binary, and sometimes this means that people are born infertile or less fertile, which invalidates your point. Biologically it's asinine to say that bio sex is binary.

You say if someone belongs to the sex which can have babies then they are biologically women. How do you define if someone belongs to the sex which can have babies? Your definition doesn't describe this, you just arbitrarily put someone into the woman box.

Minish Cap is just absolutely amazing. The world is small, but very well made and fun to explore. It has aged very well (I imagine most GBA games have?) so I would recommend everyone to give it a go if they like that sort of game!

I've never tried any Castlevania games, maybe it's time.

Voting downballot but making no choice for president sends a very clear signal.

After the election maybe? That seems rather late to me. Direct action and building up third party alternatives seems to be the best long term courses of action. If I were american I would work towards unionizing as many people as possible, report that I won't vote democrat, and then vote democrat unless a third party has a chance of winning in my state.

I disagree on principle. Voting for a lesser evil is still voting to perpetuate evil. At best, it maintains an intolerable status quo, and it comes from a fear of the radical change that we know is sorely needed. “Lesser evilism” is conservatism.

I disagree. Voting is currently not a means of meaningful change in the US (at least for the left), which is why I refer to it as damage control. You are correct however if all people do politically is vote.

I've seen people debate this endlessly, but I've never seen anyone on the side of not voting explain anything beyond "I don't want to support genocide" as if the republicans aren't just as gung ho about killing children. What is the utility in not participating in the election? What do you think not voting will achieve?

You aren't sending a signal and you certainly aren't making the democrats commit less genocide.

Voting democrat is the lesser evil and will have actual positive results for people living in the US, and it isn't mutually exclusive with other ways of enacting change.

Edit: My comment seems a bit aggressive in hindsight :S sorry about that

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Yet I still hear people arguing for not voting as if minimizing harm is not useful. You've not morally failed in any way by voting for the democrats while still working towards change in other ways.

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