World of Warcraft’s Entire Development Team Has Officially Unionized

☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆ to – 115 points –
World of Warcraft’s Entire Development Team Has Officially Unionized - IGN

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it's so interesting to me, how different subjective perception can be.
I heard a lot about it in school, and eventually shared a friend's account for a bit. loved making a character, started the game and.... meh.
kill 10 wolves, fetch 10 berries, fetch 10 feathers. go to this lifeless dude, walk to this dead settlement. stand around while autoattack happens. I'm sure it opens up, especially when joining up with groups but the beginning didn't hook me whatsoever, sadly

What year did you start playing, though? Back in 2005 the game was a revelation. The mundane gameplay you describe was pretty much how all games worked at the time.

Somewhere between launch and 2007 is the best estimate i can give you. I remember wanting to like it but the passive playstyle was not my thing at all.

I was playing stuff like gothic, morrowind, cs, gta, and a bunch of n64 games at the time