How can we believe and trust censored Bibles? to – 38 points –

In the Bible, it says clearly that no one should make a dare to edit or correct the Bible by any words. But many chapters and contents are extremely censored from the original Bible. How is this acceptable, and how do we know the truth and full story about the entire life?

(Finally, some of the replies and trolls I received made me more confused. But thanks a lot for the reference replies.)


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You shouldn't trust any Bible. They are myth books that should not be considered other than as very peculiar literature.

You said so because of the censorship, or just because you are an aethist?

You seem to consistently spell atheist wrong. It's not with an e.


Write it repeatedly until you learn it.

I'm an atheist because there's no good reason to believe in gods. The Bible is a book full of nonsense, myths and stories. That is obvious to anyone reading it without the prejudice of indoctrination.