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Joined 1 years ago

I have a pair of Bose Companion 2 Series III's. I wanted a simple 2.0 set that looked unassuming and sounded good. I bought them refurbished for about half the price and it's a great set if you have the same requirements as I did. The sound is good for a home office/gaming set in a small room. Clear, bassy where needed and way louder than you'd probably need.

"Mad" Jack Churchill, who fought in the Second World War with a longbow, a basket-hilted Scottish broadsword, and a set of bagpipes.

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That's the difference between "by" and "with".

I got 2 degrees ral quick.

Was one of them in Color Standardization?

New research also indicate that the non-nicotine version is very harmful too. Who'd have thought.

A plaintiff, for example, is the person lodging a complaint. Doesn't have to be a legal complaint, but in legal terms it makes it very clear who we're talking about.

I think the OP was wondering why that person wouldn't just be called a complaintlodger. Like with firefighter.

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At a risk of downvote oblivion, this is what comes to mind to me. Keep in mind that this is just what I perceive about India through all the media I've consumed so it can come across as a bit prejudiced. I'm sure there's more nuance.

The good:

  • Amazing food, rich culture
  • Seemingly big into tech.
  • Very colorful.
  • People seem generally friendly.

The bad:

  • So. Insanely. Chaotic.
  • Basic sanitation and infrastructure seem stuck a few decades ago.
  • Female emancipation is lacking as far as I can gather.
  • A lot of inequality in general.
  • The weather seems like hell to me.
  • Even though they're big into tech, it comes across to me that the government and general population is still stuck in the mid 90's regarding devices (pc's etc, smartphones excluded).
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There are a few prion diseases that are absolutely horrible. I believe one of them causes you to be unable to sleep until you go mad.

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It depends on where you draw the line (heh) on "straightness" and "flatness". Some planes on gems or geodes are pretty flat, but probably not perfectly flat. Another example is a spider's web between two points. That's a pretty straight line if it's taut, but again, probably not exactly perfect.

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Here's an idea: Maybe just drive speed limit.

At a club, I just asked her "Wanna make out?" and we did. Very weird that worked.

Remember download managers?

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Not with a bang, but a whimper.

Yeah just adding a link to your comment doesn't negate the TOS of where you post it.

~~ Hey you can't use my ramblings!!! ~~

All hail Productiva, Slayer of Tasks!

"Bran thought about it. ‘Can a man still be brave if he’s afraid?’ ‘That is the only time a man can be brave,’ his father told him."

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Everyone here saying that there would be someone else to stitch you up, I think what OP meant was more of a "everyone in the room vanishes and you're left alone" type of question.

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The Netherlands enters the chat.


There's that nuance.

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As Tim Minchin said:

Do you know what they call alternative medicine that's been proven to work?


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Combustible lemons, aka lemon-nades.

I imagine many a European fist has suffered from Hollywood movies being set in the US, where walls are drywall.

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Good for you! Honestly it's very hard to make actual friends as an adult. Even if you're extraverted, lasting ones rarely come along.

They probably don't. Congratulations! You're either young or still have great hearing!

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"The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't."

In 1923 this would be gibberish.

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Be excellent to one another.

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I believe the general consensus is that he's a horrible person for erasing the minds of dozens of people after stealing their stories.

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Truth Social?

Don't forget our corvid friends. Crows and ravens are very good at problem solving and abstract thinking.

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It kinda was a big deal back then. This was the early days of mainstream internet hoaxes and a lot of people actually believed that shit (my teenage self included).

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Gave some advice to a female coworker of mine who was a few years younger than me (we worked in a restaurant and were 25 and 18 or smth). She was in love with her housemate and wasn't sure if it was mutual, afraid of losing the friendship, a classic. Talked for a while and it was pretty clear to me from what I heard that it was mutual. Talked her into taking the lead and they've been together for years now.

Won't anybody think of the stockholders‽

and just like a movie.

Trainspotting, Fight Club or Requiem for a Dream?

In marketing we call them persuasion tactics.

The Lord of the Rings. It has become such a big part of my cultural self. I love everything about it, but especially the fact that there is an entire universe Tolkien created, mainly because of his love for languages. That kind of passion is absolutely amazing and it kind of taught me that it's good to be passionate about something. It also taught me that some thing "nerdy" is actually very widely accepted to be one of the greatest works ever written (and one of the greatest films), and in turn it led me to accept that you shouldn't be ashamed of the thing you like, even if they are nerdy/geeky/dumb or stupid in other people's opinion. It also got me super interested into world building, which I'm expressing currently in building a boardgame.

Favourite part is hard, but the Ride of the Rohirrim gives me goosebumps everytime someone even mentiones it.

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The man, dude.

Be excellent to eachother.

Atomas is a lovely little game about atoms.

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