Young voters are moving toward Harris and feeling less ‘meh’ about voting to politics – 1085 points –
Young voters are moving toward Harris and feeling less ‘meh’ about voting | Semafor

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Jesus, we’ve let these kids down.

Yes, and people call them idiots for wanting better than a Hobson's choice between "genocide" and "more genocide."

Just look at what happened when someone listened to them.

but but "gene o'side" LMAO

Thank you for the illustration of my point. Biden isn't running anymore. You can abandon your support for genocide. If you want to.

You mean real genocide or tankie illusional genocide? Because I’ll never support real muthafuckin’ G, but always point out the delusions of American antisemites like yourself.

You are glad that Netanyahu is committing genocide.

Like all centrists.

Nobody serious or educated is considering that a genocide. Only edgelord extremists and cowardly antisemites are

What Netanyahu is doing is genocide. Anyone who says otherwise is lying because they want it to run to completion.

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