Weird, low budget movies appreciation thread. to – 22 points –

What are the weird, low budget movies you've been enjoying lately?


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Oh man here I come to plug my favorite low budget or indy-ish sci-fi movies!

First, Coherence (2013). This movie was quite low budget but doesn't feel like it because the story is so engaging. The hours I spent reading about this movie, reviewing timelines, etc after I watched it... It's a great film and the discussions and theories about it are exactly the type of rabbit hole I love.

Resolution (2012) has a unique and interesting concept, but I mention it mostly because it is low budget and related to The Endless (2018) which is pushing the definition of low budget but is phenomenal. The story lines overlap and Resolution came out first, but I watched The Endless before I'd ever heard of Resolution and I think I prefer that watch order, honestly. Both are great films though and worth the watch if you're interested in cosmic horror/sci-fi type stories.

Clicked through intending to suggest Coherence, thrilled to see you beat me to it!

Ahh nice another obscure sci-fi fan. I tell everyone who will listen how great that movie is.

Coherence is fantastic. If this thread wasn’t about low budget movies, but instead about some of the best mind bending movies, this would probably still be my answer. If you haven’t seen it, I’d certainly recommend checking it out.