Linux Desktop reaches New All time high. 4.45%(+0.4) ๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿง to – 926 points –
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Unsurprisingly, usage numbers for distros are hard to get due to lack of telemetry and what not.

However, some measurements do exist; like data from ProtonDB. These are used by Boiling Steam for their excellent reports in which some representation regarding usage across distros can be found. Their most recent report can be found here.

Note, however, that the following, as has been excellently touched upon by Boiling Steam, applies:


Since we hear some of the following comments EVERY SINGLE TIME, letโ€™s address them here and now:

  • โ€œDuh, itโ€™s not representative of Linux usage in general!โ€: And nowhere does it claim to be. As often as possible we make it clear this is Linux usage in a gaming context. The usage of Debian and Ubuntu on servers is safe for now, no need to panic.

Thank you. This does give an idea.

Follow up question : Is Arch really that good?

Thank you. This does give an idea.

It has been my pleasure.

Follow up question : Is Arch really that good?

Depends entirely on your needs. There is a use case for Arch. However, if you're completely new to Linux, then it's very likely that a 'slower'-moving distro (like (anything based on) Debian (or Ubuntu)) might better suit you.