Olympic casual GigaChad

SSTF@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 1208 points –

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Many in the crowd hit, they had to redirect fire to the target

Tbf there were people in the audience holding water bottles which could be thrown as a deadly weapon -- how do you know those bottles aren't full of kerosene -- and also filming the officer which can lead to the officer's family being threatened by doxxing. The only people allowed to threaten the officer's family with violence is the officer

I didn't think about this possibility. The ratings are dropping and we need more viewership. How about next year Simmons Viles? Is that the correct spelling? How about she trains all the shooters to do a few cart wheels and such before actually shooting. Basically like an Xman event level demonstration of agility and dexterity. But let's hope none of them are cops of this might end badly.