Dutch beach volleyball player convicted of rape is booed again, louder, in second match of Olympics

MicroWave@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 862 points –
Dutch beach volleyball player convicted of rape is booed again, louder, in second match of Olympics

Dutch beach volleyball player Steven van de Velde, who served time in prison after he was convicted of raping a 12-year-old girl, won his second match at the Paris Olympics and received an even harsher reaction from the crowd on Wednesday than for his first match.


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Cool, more lying and gaslighting. But no, you're clearly not a troll, just someone who thinks lying, gaslighting and now just plain old insults are appropriate around here. They are not.

And your silly prediction is wrong. I am not going to ban you for this despite the incivility rule violation. I am just going to stop talking to you.

But you have just earned yourself the eye of a moderator who will not tolerate your rule-breaking with anyone else. Including if I see any in your recent history.

If you were capable of arguing further, then you would - so I’m really glad to have gotten through to you, thank you for your time.

Just so you know, you can ban me all you want, I can just create any number of new accounts, I can change my IP address, I can even spin up a whole other instance if I really want to. I don’t mind if you want to give in to your ego, you don’t need to find another excuse - or let this message be the excuse. I’m just glad that my time spent with you has been worthwhile.

Like I said - rules, in our present society, are for oppressors.