Simple, really to Lefty – 945 points –

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So you're saying Marxists have no solution to imperialism?

They do. Supporting movements in the Global South against Imperialism by the Global North. Looking at the nature of Imperialism dialectically, it appears to be deteriorating as exploitation increases, so these movements are gaining momentum. This is what I mean when I say Imperialism defeats itself, as exploitation increases (as it must to counter the Tendency for the Rate of Profit to Fall), it also increases pressure against itself from those it exploits.

Supporting movements in the Global South against Imperialism

We're not communicating. That's not a "solution" as I understand it.

Why not?

For the same reason that it's not a carpet as I understand it.

Why is a solution not a solution?

You're not being rational.

I have been entirely rational. I explained in shorthand, and linked longer texts, and you are intentionally playing coy.

I have been entirely rational.

I disagree.

I explained in shorthand

Try explaining in longhand. Then you will have explained. If you explain "in shorthand" then you haven't explained.