
2 Post – 326 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

you are too lazy and stubborn to put in the work to change society

Uh.. u wot?

You have no idea what I have done or do. You have no idea whether I'm lazy, how could you.

Questions and pessimistic negativity?

I find it sad and bizarre that you view reason and attempts at clear communication as bad. If you had something concrete to offer I would certainly be optimistic but all you seem to have is deluded echoes of Marx's "wouldn't it be nice if" dreams.

The issue was how to unite all communities under the common goal of providing rest, not how to learn while suffering. Everyone already knows how to do that. You have nothing to offer.

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First step is to organize.

Then what?

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I asked kora what they know.

Then we need to unite all communities under the common goal of providing rest.

"How? How? How?"

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I've told my solution

You haven't done that.

I do know what need to happen

And what's that?

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your comment means nothing.


I hate how much of a monopoly they have in the space


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I'm unwillingly associated with mankind.

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The Cloud Outgrows Linux, And Sparks A New Operating System

...which runs on top of Linux

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Shady company.

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> gay man goes to Qatar
> goes on Grindr in Qatar
> gets arrested and abused by Qatari authorities
> pikachu-shocked.jpg

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If so how do we get started? (Idk how to code)

Learn to code. Otherwise, there's no "we".

Nobody is going to do programming work for you for nothing. Plenty of ideas men thanks, don't need any more.

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What do you mean by "spare"? Modern CPUs scale their electricity usage according to utilisation.

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Uh.. I think you need to check out the history of computing.

Boring is good. I don't want to be surprised by the software I use.

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are there any Gays that would actively seek out a blessing

Yes. That's why the pope made this decision.

This is not news. The man's job was to make profitable games, not good games.

Qualcomm QCM6490

No good for free software OSes then :-(

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Downvoted for clickbait title

Wayland ... uses some Linux-specific components or libraries

No. Wayland is a protocol, not software.

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Android is Linux.

It runs Linux but it isn't a "Linux phone" in the sense used here.

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That's a population transfer or eviction of lands.

Jesus christ.

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Shady company

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Modify the software.


What do you mean by that?

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What happened to LineageOS?

Nothing. What makes you think something happened to it?

Shady company.

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it's like the lowest rung of the ladder if the Senate is going to go after corporations

What the Senate is going after is votes. Voters care out being ripped off by Live Nation.

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"Dozens of tons of cocaine worth several billion euros have been taken out of circulation,"

Which achieves nothing.

It's pitchfork time

The Internet connects the whole world. Other places in the world are not like your place. Other places' Internet connections are not like your Internet connection.

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That is pretty much exactly the goal of the Wikimedia Foundation

Their goal isn't to collect all human knowledge, only notable human knowledge.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Notability and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:What_Wikipedia_is_not#Wikipedia_is_not_an_indiscriminate_collection_of_information .

Spreading out stock purchases across the market guarantees returns over the long run.

No it doesn't.

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Shady company.

Probably the most egregious behaviour is declaring different terms and conditions for sales and pre-orders after a person has handed over their money, particularly changing the terms around refunds. Literal Vader "pray I do not alter it any further". And illegal. Refunds in general have been a nightmare for customers with many making a complaint to the Attorney General of California which seems to have been the only way to get money back.

Check r/purism on Reddit if you want to see lots of examples of their shady behaviour.

Also: https://www.phoronix.com/news/Zlatan-Todoric-Interview

And: https://jaylittle.com/post/view/2019/10/the-sad-saga-of-purism-and-the-librem-5-part-1

had the mains water analysed for chemical and biological contamination

Can I ask how you go about doing that? I may want to test some water soon.

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