What is you backup tool of choice?

dustyData@lemmy.world to Linux@lemmy.ml – 124 points –

I don't mean system files, but your personal and work files. I have been using Mint for a few years, I use Timeshift for system backups, but archived my personal files by hand. This got me curious to see what other people use. When you daily drive Linux what are your preferred tools to keep backups? I have thousands of pictures, family movies, documents, personal PDFs, etc. that I don't want to lose. Some are cloud backed but rather haphazardly. I would like to use a more systematic approach and use a tool that is user friendly and easy to setup and program.


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Kopia repo on a separate disk dedicated to backups. Have Kopia on my servers as well sending to my local s3 gateway and second copy to wasabi.

Wholly off topic.

I feel like you should know about this if you don't already.

Not trying to out myself, but I may be one of the few people that actually owned that shirt lol


I may have one on now.