
2 Post – 181 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

@dismalnow - Codeberg
@dismalnow - Lemmy
@dismalnow - Mastodon
@dismalnow - Pixelfied

Your thought is valid.

But what I wanted to tell you is that based upon my kids, their friends, and other people's kids that I know and talk to - very VERY few of them give a single fuck about this sort of thing. Like surprisingly few.

It's refreshing, because it's truly no big deal.

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Bingo. Enshittification is mostly confined to companies that have gone public or whose sole aspiration is to do so quickly.

It shifts responsibility from satisfying customers/users to satisfying shareholders (who are never satisfied).

You can build the perfect product and ride a gravy train as a private company in relative perpetuity. As a corporation, you're just going to strive for perpetually increasing profits on a quarterly basis with no real care or focus past that

We both know why this happened.

Let's reach for a frivolous peg to hang this verdict on:

Did you happen to call spez a "whiny little pussy/bitch?"

Perhaps, "fuck spez. He's crying like a baby. '

Now cross reference on those terms and the accusation.

Now.. I can't even continue. This is beyond absurdity.

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This has become the prevailing opinion for most of the tech-savvy folks that I know, but it's gaining traction with a wider audience.

Having steeped in corpo-climate for two decades, it's naïve to say that the C-Suite has ever maintained a realistic perspective on the business that they run; but it is baffling to me that corporations like Reddit have completely lost sight of their actual product - a clearinghouse of perpetually donated content - and seem to believe that their platform cannot be easily duplicated, or made obsolete nearly overnight.

It's exciting to be an insider as new paradigms like the fediverse become more widely known. If the last week is any indicator, there is a non-zero chance that ultra-capitalist hubris will be punished.

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There is a captive market for residential real estate, and a glut of commercial properties...

Everyone MUST live in a home while offices and other commercial spaces are a "nice to have" - so the businesses and individuals with extra capital have gobbled up the residential property to further push us into the "own nothing and be happy" economy.

I like the idea of transforming the old commercial properties to condos, but there's a ton of issues with retrofitting - which is the result of zoning and differences in building codes. Then there's the zoning issues themselves.

So.. as usual.. we are beholden to politicians doing the right thing for their constituents, and not their donors. These commercial properties are going to sit idle, and decay until it becomes a "true" crisis (buildings collapsing, mass squatting causing major health and safety issues) - causing untold costs to fix them to accrue in the meantime.

It'll never happen, but my grandiose solution is to deliberately crash the housing market via legislation limiting ownership of single family homes. This would boost the "velocity" of cash (lowering inflation), allows taxpayers to own (solves housing crisis), and would renew interest in the commerical real estate.

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Likewise. It has generated several offers for me, but the vast majority of head hunters are playing spray-n-pray with keywords. For every good lead I get, I have to tell 400 people to fuck off.

Oh.. you're a SOX analyst? Want to work in a sock factory? Want to do the laundry for a minor league baseball team? Want to be in a fetish video?

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$50 per year to change an icon.

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Because they're redundant.

Because they're redundant

In a lot of ways, the fascism that Italy invented never left. I had hopes 20-30 years ago, but they have been roundly dashed.

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This is brilliant in both it's brevity and accuracy; and could be borrowed to describe their coverage of bitcoin when it first started to bubble.

Then why are they even still there?

Sunk cost fallacy or misplaced hope are other options outside of Napoleon complex.

It's about the same as a mafia hitman screeching in court after a guilty verdict that he wants the written receipts, and murder weapons that were found in the garbage on the curb in front of his home (and used to convict him) back.

ThAt'S mY pRoPeRtY!

Because we will never reach a billion users and exist for 200 years like yo momma.

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.. and the world jiggled slightly as 14 billion eyes rolled in unison.

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@losttourist @sheawoodrow


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We all have bad days. Unfortunately his coincided with the only time you saw him. I don't think that makes him an asshole. I think it makes him human.

You ever call in sick because you're not feeling it? Public figures can't do that because people will call them an asshole.

Someone who was paid to read things written in English phonetically without understanding what the clumps of syllables actually mean.

The world is a backward place, but you're overthinking it.

I don't think this post is more than poignant politicking that is refreshing to see.

Its popularity is mostly reflexive of the geography and demographic of the current users of the fediverse when it was posted - and the ease of a one-tap stamp of approval.

Just curious: Which article should we read instead?

It's making the vein in my forehead pulse trying to reconcile the terms "Trump" and "trust and good nature".

These are COVID-EIDL and PPP "loans", which were forgiven if you didn't fire anyone. EIDL had $15,000 worth of advances which didn't need to be repaid if you claimed you were in a low income area.

SBA's funding was cut by Bush Jr. in 2001.. Obama tried to boost it in 2010.

A lot of that funding was diverted from their staff so there was no infrastructure to vett the recipients claims.

That's a borderline smoking gun for me.

I got curious and did the math if $44B was denominated in $100 bills.

That's 496.85 cubic kilometers of cash. Or a pile of money that covers half of the continental US, stacked 1/4 of the height of Low Earth Orbit.

I honestly don't think one could physically burn that much cash since May 2022 in real life.

Edit: more mind bogglery!

The earth is ~40,000 km in circumference, so you could stack the bills almost 28m high around the equator (or circle the globe 256,482 times.)

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I love comparing apples to orangutans. Really paints a clear picture.

They're working REAL hard to bury the lede in the Deloitte survey that spun up this article.

They focus almost exclusively on "the poor state of employees’ mental and physical well-being," while leaving compensation as an afterthought.

Less than two-thirds of workers say their physical and mental well-being are “excellent” or “good” (63% and 58%, respectively), and an even lower percentage rate their social (45%) and financial (35%) well-being positively.

Heres a chart that tells the tale of how deliberately oblivious the C-Levels are.

Might just be me, but I've always found that fair pay tends to help boost all other categories..

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In the article, clear indicators that this was a money laundering exercise are described.

A spokesperson for his publisher, a company cofounded by Donald Trump Jr. and a former campaign staffer named Sergio Gor, said “Our Journey Together” sold more than 500,000 copies. The representative refused to provide documentation to back up that figure, which Forbes was unable to independently verify.

NPD BookScan, an industry data service, tracked 10,200 sales at retailers through January 2023. NPD BookScan doesn’t track purchases directly from a book’s website, though, which appears to have been a major sales avenue for “Our Journey Together.”

Just 2% (10,200) of the quoted sales (500,000 copies) is able to be validated from booksellers.

In 2022, the former president’s joint fundraising committee and political action committee paid Winning Team Publishing, which released the book, $231,000.

So they paid the publisher 4% ($231,000) to receive payment ($5,750,000)?

“Our Journey Together’s” $5.75 million payout dwarfed the other royalty payments Trump reported receiving over the past 18 months. “The Art of the Deal,” published in 1987, brought in somewhere between $100,000 and $1 million, according to the filing, which lists the income of Trump’s older books in broad ranges. Four other books each earned him $5,000 to $15,000, one made $2,500 to $5,000 and 10 earned less than $200.

So he made $5 million more with a book which is totally comprised of content from the public domain than his previous (and trackable) pride and joy?

Oh, and..

Trump also disclosed that Winning Team Publishing paid his wife, Melania, $250,000 in licensing fees. The spokesperson said that payment was for promoting “Our Journey Together.”

Except she didn't promote the book. Like, at all.

This is the kind of action that sways the rational folks who were indifferent. Those folks make for decent discussion, and I preemptively welcome them.

Voting is the BARE MINIMUM required of a citizen living in a democratic society. You use all tools available to ensure a difficult job is done efficiently and effectively.

At scale, thinking that any problem cannot be solved via a single-facet solution is so myopic that I can barely contain my anger when I encounter it.

Couple that with a lack of understanding that nothing is instant, and everything requires participation in a democracy - and it becomes nearly impossible.

And it's could HAVE.

Anti-intellectualism is extremely popular in the US.

I'm terrified of the downstream effects because these kids will have to care for themselves (and me!) - but will be wholly reliant on someone/something else for the most basic knowledge, and skills to do so.

Your premise is specious

There were two major catastrophes that killed thousands, first in Chernobyl and then in Fukushima.

  1. Chernobyl was a flawed test which deliberately ignored documented safety protocols on an RBMK-1000 high-power channel-type reactor. There are still 10 chernobyl-style reactors operating across russia, but the test method is the primary cause of that disaster.
  2. Precisely ONE of those 15,000 people killed in Fukushima and neighboring areas were due to destruction of the reactors at Fukushima. Here's more information.
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And it's not really a hot take.

If I could have this thought independently, it's probably already a common view.

(Reddit)'s dying.. slowly, and painfully. This decline will go on for years. into the endgame of mostly automoderated, bot-driven content.


Force those who remain to use a substandard app - inhibiting human interaction with the platform further.

All you're left with is content addicts, trolls, ads, dregs from the darkest corners, and bots that feed them.

The insidious thing about algorithmically served content is that even if you don't pay attention to it, it will slowly seep in to your mind, altering you slowly and steadily.

You see it/hear it for a microsecond and divert your attention dutifully, but your mind captured it, and processes it continuously. Because that's what minds do.

So here you are, just scrolling through things. Minding your own business. And you didn't even register it consciously.

And now you're forever infected with a thought, concept you would have never arrived at on your own. A vision you would never have seen. A motive that never would've occurred.

And no matter what it was, you're stuck with it forever because some asshole forced it into your head for a couple pennies.

It's pure evil.

Which is why it boggles my mind that every company I have worked for uses it as the stock alternative to Edge over Firefox.

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reconsider your approach.

Start with the fucking name. Yikes.



It's always been Stormfront 2.0 anyway

Exception taken.

Don't get me wrong: it has been an absolute dogshit downward spiral for at least the last five years, but what it has become bares almost no resemblance to what it was 15 years ago - or even 8 years ago.

It had great potential and utility. All of it squandered via some of the worst decisions possible. Each of which ignored the current user base in favor of a quick buck.

It needs to be taken out behind the barn and shot.

Echoing: Fuck Reddit.

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@ulu_mulu @mac

Additionally the only requirement to view nsfw stuff is that they can validate that your account has opted in to viewing it.

3p apps will see it if you're signed in.

Alright, you lost me.

You don't have to conform. You have to learn that it makes no difference at all.


@Cloudless @almino

Seems like an arbitrary "trolls gonna troll" sort of thing that really shouldn't have a high priority.

That being said - I'm not a fan of the moniker anyway. We can do better.

This isn't a logo. It's a cry for help from a severely distressed mind.

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Kobo consistently makes better products overall, but the ability to avoid Amazon (and the nonsense that comes from their proprietary format) is priceless.

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