U.S. Presidential election: 'Republicans for Harris’ launch features key names, impressive numbers

tardigrada@beehaw.org to Politics@beehaw.org – 71 points –
‘Republicans for Harris’ launch features key names, impressive numbers


Those names are, of course, just a sampling. According to a press statement from the incumbent vice president’s campaign, Republicans for Harris includes endorsements from former Trump White House officials Stephanie Grisham and Olivia Troye; former Secretaries Chuck Hagel and Ray LaHood; former Governors Jim Edgar, Bill Weld, and Christine Todd Whitman; former U.S. House members Rod Chandler, Tom Coleman, Dave Emery, Wayne Gilchrest, Jim Greenwood, Adam Kinzinger, John LeBoutillier, Susan Molinari, Jack Quinn, Denver Riggleman, Claudine Schneider, Christopher Shays, Peter Smith, Alan Steelman, David Trott, and Joe Walsh; and former GOP State Chair and State Senator Chris Vance, among others.

"As a proud conservative, I never thought I’d be endorsing a Democrat for President,” Kinzinger said in a written statement. “But, I know Vice President Harris will defend our democracy and ensure Donald Trump never returns to the White House. Donald Trump poses a direct threat to fundamental American values. He only cares about himself, and his pursuit of power.



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Not really a surprise; the political establishment of even the Republican party got really sick of Trump during his time in office because of the chaos. He didn't behave like the typical useful idiot President and torpedoed a couple of easy legislative victories by tweeting in rage when they were almost through Congress.

Those that haven't tied their hips to Trump are now party outsiders.

Consider, a former republican presidential candidate who was eating ice cream alone in their DC apartment.

Trump is the republican establishment now.

How cool would it be if Trump straight up killed the Republican party and they replaced it with something more grounded and centrist?

We might actually be able to push left!