Leaked Documents Show Nvidia Scraping ‘A Human Lifetime’ of Videos Per Day to Train AI

misk@sopuli.xyz to Technology@lemmy.world – 463 points –
Leaked Documents Show Nvidia Scraping ‘A Human Lifetime’ of Videos Per Day to Train AI

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instead of focusing on their products and improving them for everyone, some shitty ceo is pushing their shitty ai agenda down everyones throat.

Nvidia's biggest product is absolutely AI by a massive landslide, I'm pretty sure I read that the point of them downloading these videos and doing the training is to build a pipeline for their AI users to do the same with their own shit. (Can't be bothered to double-check cuz I really don't care)

So they aren't downloading all this video to make a crazy AI model. They're downloading all this video to make a tool for their AI customers to use, you may not agree but improving their product is exactly what they're doing.

Can't be bothered to double-check cuz I really don't care

For FUCK SAKE, why do you even bother posting your garbage opinions then? and with such authority too!