Telegram channels alternative to – 19 points –

Hello! What is the best alternative to Telegram channels in Fediverse? I need platform where I can post messages in different topics and users can subscribe to them.


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I wouldn't say best, but Movim (xmpp based) has a personal and shared blog feature, which the latter being somewhat similar in concept to Telegram channels, even though the UX is more blog like.

It is like what I need. I registered on but can't access neither my account nor created channel from Mastodon. How to fix this?

I think you are confused. is not the best place to register for using Movim. Better chose from

Also, XMPP is not ActivityPub, which Mastodon uses.

I thought XMPP compatible with ActivityHub. Then I need something else

There is an experimental bridge between the two, but yes you are probably better off looking for something else for now if you need Mastodon compatibility.