US Court Rules Google a Monopoly in 'Biggest Antitrust Case of the 21st Century'. to – 1231 points –
US Court Rules Google a Monopoly in 'Biggest Antitrust Case of the 21st Century' | Common Dreams

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"It's an issue but I don't consider myself a victim. I won't stop sending money to the people profiting from the system in place at my expense. Be the change your want to see."

Are you for real?

No one force Newell to be a billionaire, he owns the fucking company, he could decide to cut their margins to 20% tomorrow morning, he doesn't, he collects fucking yachts instead.

Wow, nice job putting things in quotes I never said.

"I have a deep seated need to make you follow my specific beliefs otherwise you are the problem and I must demean you online."

See, I can do it too. Grow up.

Honestly, Fight for demolishing Amazon, google, apple, Nvidia, fascist politics, literally any car company, Boeing, big oil, big pharma, etc etc. They are all much much bigger, and much much more evil than. anything valve could possibly do. thats the real fight.