What are your favorite sublemmys?

schloppah@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 69 points –

New here and not sure where to go. Tell me your favorite sublemmys that make it worth using.

Edit this is awesome thanks everyone!!


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Well they're called communities on reddit too officially

Now, but for the majority of the time I used reddit they still were only ever "subreddits".

Remember for a time there weren't even any subreddits.

Are they?

I noticed they changed "subscribe" to "join" a while ago but I don't think anyone actually calls it that. Is this another change because "subreddit" is definitely the original official term.

Check this out


#flashing image warning

The page redirects:

::: spoiler flashing images :::

trying to read that is giving me a seizure

The point is the link to creating a subreddit automatically redirects to a new page for creating a community. I included a link.

Edit: I added a warning and hid it behind a spoiler.