The Irony of Republicans' 'Tampon Tim' Insult to politics – 320 points –
The Irony of Republicans' 'Tampon Tim' Insult

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some boys do.

No. Those are not boys

I'm one of them. your opinion is irrelevant.

You don't get to decide whose opinion are valid, regardless of your identity characteristics

How about people that are born with both sets of sexual organs? Should those people not have access to the products that they need regardless of which bathroom they go in to?

They are intersex. That's a complicated biological situation unique to the individual. I suppose ideally we would change all bathrooms to accommodate 1.7% of the population? If so, I can propose some larger groups who may want representation in public facilities

So you agree that it is a problem, just not as big of a problem as others? If you look on the bright side that's still a win, even if you can think of bigger ones. Are you actively campaigning for the other changes you can think of?