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everyone on r/conservative are losing their tiny little minds trying to understand why Swift would endorse a candidate who is promising to take more taxes from her. it's like they literally can't comprehend being a decent person who cares about and supports her country and fellow human beings, so it MUST be a conspiracy.

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i took one year of business school, and they teach you to offshore outsource as much as possible and to prioritize your shareholders at all costs. so, nothing surprising.

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we have several lifetimes worth of policies to change to fix the mess we are in. this is exactly what Biden should be doing, passing policy after policy in the next few months that have obvious positive results for the common voter. he's not gonna run out of stuff to do if he's re-elected, so he needs to stop holding onto this shit like it's his last wild card of all time.

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don't rely on polls too much especially right now

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please elaborate. because from what I'm seeing, people are outraged over just having more character creation options or more variety of characters. i can't see how that's exclusion.

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this is the dumbest post I've seen in awhile

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every Walmart I've been to has a big grocery section

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Starfield did this the right way, just as you are suggesting. it's the only game I've seen so far that does it, but your character body exists on a wheel of buff, slender, thicker, etc. you can adjust every little part of this to get a truly unique character. i believe there were also at least 4 voice options. the rest of the game was meh, but maybe other games will start doing it that way. i think inclusion is still a very new concept in gaming, everyone is trying new things, and i appreciate the effort. it'll get there.

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we know definitively that trump is tied to project 2025, so yeah she's going to keep saying that.

school districts were also affected.. at least mine was.

let's hope this is the beginning of a trend. like when all our favorite celebrities started dying. but this time it's fun.

eight zero, friend "When a person or an object has been altered or damaged in a permanent way, that's a mutilation."

it can desensitize the penis and cause health issues and/or sexual dysfunction (arguably its intended consequence). forced body alteration is mutilation

well, you see, electric powered boats are extremely dangerous, because if they capsize, you have to choose whether to stay near the boat and get electrocuted, or swim 10 feet away toward a hungry shark. there are no other options, you see.

lol i wish i was joking

is it just me or does "must have a creative mindset" just scream "let me exploit your work for the lowest buck possible and you'll be grateful for the exposure" lol

i don't know anyone who can keep their living expenses at 30%.. is this finance tips for well-off childless people?

i was gonna say the same. just wanna be pain free😭

i should have done it like this. maybe it would have gone over even worse 😎

don't give them ideas 🫣

language evolves with every generation. this isn't new

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... what in the fresh 7 hells? how does putting a civilian in life or death simulations compare at all to a TRAINED "professional" doing what they literally signed up for? lmfao.

your friend must have only watched the first few minutes. by the end, my brain was numb and i couldn't focus on what he was saying, it was so entirely incomprehensible. i turned to my partner and told her now i know why his rally goers fall asleep or leave. it's impossible to follow. he was also actually baring his teeth with rage at Kamala's needling. it was cathartic honestly.

it's honestly blowing my mind.

some boys do.

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genuinely asking.. how do you ever find relevant results on duckduckgo? I've tried switching to it many times over the years but i just get too frustrated by its lack of intuitiveness.

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yeah i grew up forced to look like every other kid and it messed me up. how about we just stop judging kids for their clothing choices and leave it at that??

go somewhere else, sounds like they don't value their customers. I've never had this experience

i JUST started enjoying adfree YouTube via revanced, now it could go away?! fuck lol

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how do i submit a doctor? i had a hysterectomy at 27, childless, thanks to an exhausting search that led me to an amazing gyno in my area.

ope, i figured it out. lol

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i work custodial in a public school district, and basically the dress code is "no sweats, no holes in jeans, no spaghetti straps." i dye my super gay hair, have visible tattoos, and a facial piercing. i have had 0 comments on any of it except compliments.

also the pay and benefits are pretty great for entry level jobs

how is that even physically possible LMAO

i stopped using Instagram not long after realizing every 3rd post was an ad, and most of the actual content were not from people i followed. i don't miss it.

yes!! in my area we have O Cedar. life changing. you can get extra mop heads so much cheaper on eBay btw

we had chickens when i was growing up, and yeah i was traumatized. chickens are HORRIBLE with this and it's brutal.

that's reductionist and turns Christian conservatives into a one dimensional monolith. my parents are extreme conservative Christians, creationists, maga, the whole stupid 9. they hate pedophiles with a burning passion, my mom and i were both victims of them.

there's a whole problem with conservatives hating LGBT people because we've been lumped in with pedophiles for some reason, it's their whole schtick

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fuck. i forgot

thanks, i appreciate all the other info. part of my job is noisy, so I've been using noise cancelling buds. but I felt like they might damage my hearing over time.

it's full of shit.

Stretches of the Mississippi River within the park corridor exceed water quality standards for mercury, bacteria, sediment, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyl), and nutrients. Unfortunately, these "impairments" can make the water unsuitable for fishing, swimming, and drinking. Mar 6, 2023

yeah let's suck the personality out of children even MORE.

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i did a quick look of relevant job offers near me, and every single one of them was listed as "independent contractor".. i am glad that i don't have to seriously look for a job right now, and i hope something is done about these disgusting hiring practices soon