Ukraine is determined to flatten Khalino air base, situated just 50 miles from the front line of Ukraine’s surprise invasion of Russia to World – 375 points –
Ukraine Is Determined To Flatten Khalino Air Base, Situated Just 50 Miles From The Front Line Of Ukraine’s Surprise Invasion Of Russia

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You don’t have empathy for actively participating murderers.

you should have empathy for everyone:

The ability to identify with or understand another's situation or feelings

“Ohhh my circumstances forced me to kill innocent people, woe is me”

Fuck off with that nonsense. Can you identify with Hitler situations or feelings? Sympathy for child rapists? Etc.

you should be able to understand and empathise with horrible people imo. just saying "they're bad so I don't need to understand why they do what they do" can lead you to hate people that shouldn't be hated and will prevent you from actually addressing the issues that result in people behaving in horrible ways.