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Joined 2 months ago

the ban sounds like great advertising material.

"so spicy that Denmark had to make it illegal"

"are you stronger than the entire country of Denmark?"

"criminally spicy"

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she wasn't even disqualified for having high T. they disqualified her first and then did tests and later announced that she supposedly had XY chromosomes, which I don't believe. I recommend reading through these sources and watching the official statement from the IOC spokesperson (time code added so you don't have to watch the whole video):




I personally believe that IBA was butthurt about her beating a Russian boxer or got bribed into disqualifying her, and then made up the gender test bullshit to justify it. now the transphobes used this opportunity to pretend to care about women's sports and attack trans people, even though imane khelif is definitely 100% not trans:


EDIT: the livestream i linked to was taken down. i looked on their youtube channel and theres a video with only the relevant part. you can watch it here: https://youtu.be/D4HiUIX9o00?si=UWz3uqCDXBhg98cI

EDIT EDIT: nvm I'm stupid, I fucked up the link lmao. here is the working link to the Livestream: https://youtube.com/live/QxeIRI2Qcag?t=1912

autism moment

what's Obama's last name????

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noone understands nfts it's insane.

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wrong. the IBA said they never did any testosterone tests. feel free to disprove me, but to my knowledge there is 0 evidence even hinting at her having high T

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no, never. 34 keys is all you ever need1000000967

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ai isn't magic, we've had ai for a looong time. AGI that surpasses humans? not yet.

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first past the post is kinda a shitty system, it results in a two party system, which isn't good. but to start fixing that you'd need to redo all of politics and that's never going to happen.

very unlikely to stem from model collapse. why would they use a worse model? it's probably because they neutered it or gave it less resources.

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nft art is stupid but not for the reason most people think it is. most people don't even know that there's a difference between an nft and nft "art"

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that was also to train ai.

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you not liking it doesn't make it any less ai. I don't remember that many people complaining when we called the code controlling video game characters ai.

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if they decide that treating the "transgendereds" like people is "harmful to children" then it'll be banned.

Sponsorblock, i have it too. it might break if they add ads server side. though im sure sponsorblock and ublock would find workarounds. those workarounds dont exist yet tho afaik

yes, you can download SD1.5 models that will generate all kinds of degenerate images for you and deneutered LLMs that will write the most disgusting smut you've ever seen. all of it locally, free and 100% private.

true. it kinda sucks seeing people argue against ai when they don't understand it. like, there's many things to criticize about ai, I'm not saying they'd like ai if they knew more about it. I just wish their hatred was more educated.

she did not get disqualified due to testosterone levels, see my other comment


you have to be careful with hormones, they irreparably and permanently change your body. my body was filled with testosterone until I was 16 and it has destroyed my body. it even changed my bones. i really really regret not going on hrt earlier, all of this could've been prevented.

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they have considered it. we're not supposed to go to another country, they want us to go to the afterlife

even better, what lora did you use.

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I configured it using ZMK, it's a firmware for wireless keyboards. The keyboard is "wireless", I'm just using USB cables for power while I'm waiting for the batteries to arrive. The keyboard you saw might be the Ferris Sweep, which mine is based on. Well, based on is probably the wrong word, I copied the layout, rotated the pinkies a bit and did the PCB myself using Ergogen and Kicad.

This is my default layer:

I use the Colemak mod DH matrix layout. Colemak is a common alternative key layout, mod DH is a certain modified version of it, and matrix means that the keys aren't row staggered. You can also see that some keys have some more stuff on them, those are homerow mods (red) and dual function layer keys (blue). Homerow mods is the name for a common practice on small keyboards where you place modifier keys in the homerow along with the normal keys. Holding them turns them into the modifier and pressing them is just the normal key.

Holding A or O is like holding CTRL R or I is ALT S or E is Shift T or N is the Windows key The keyboard is split so they're mirrored on the two sides (also useful for when you want to do CTRL+A for example)

The layer shifts function similarly, pressing them results in the normal key (tab, space, enter) and holding them shifts me to a different layer (layer 7, layer 1 (its 0 indexed), and layer 2). Layer 7 has function keys, layer 1 is for navigation and layer 2 has my symbols.

layer 1: (here you can see that I technically have a "numpad", just that it's always directly under my hand instead of off to the side

layer 2:

layer 7:

I have 11 layers in total, but the other 7 are just special layers for games. I use this keyboard for everything, including programming and gaming without any issues.

edit: not sure why people downvoted you, it's an awesome question and I'm glad you gave me an excuse to spam you all with info about my keyboard. Also, Ben Vallack got me into all of this, he kinda inspired this layout. He has some AWESOME videos about keyboards like this, look him up if you're interested! You don't have to go as far as I did.

if you actually read and watched the statements from the IOC you would know that khelif was not disqualified by the IBA for having high testosterone (they never did a testosterone test) and instead decided to disqualify her first and then look for a reason and accused her of having XY chromosomes, which I personally don't believe.





just send them money to their bank account. it's a lot more common in Europe.

you should be able to understand and empathise with horrible people imo. just saying "they're bad so I don't need to understand why they do what they do" can lead you to hate people that shouldn't be hated and will prevent you from actually addressing the issues that result in people behaving in horrible ways.

they're very very anti ai and crypto. I understand being against those, but lemmys stop caring about logic when it comes to those topics.

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Like I said, that's where we disagree. I call the code controlling Creepers in Minecraft AI

you should have empathy for everyone:

The ability to identify with or understand another's situation or feelings

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that's because they're not the same people. no matter what you do, people get upset. do what you think is right


right but couldn't you vote for the democrats and also do those things? it's not really a one or the other kind of situation

I know enough about how LLMs work to gauge how intelligent they are. The reason I have a different opinion than you is not because you or I lack understanding of how LLMs or diffusion models work, its simply that my definition of AI is more "lenient" than yours.

EDIT: Arguing about which definition is more correct is pointless because it's totally subjective. However I think that a more lenient definition of AI is more useful in this case, because with more strict definitions we probably never will have something that could be considered AI.

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genuine question, what alternative is there to voting for whatever candidate the democrats run with?

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it was also called ai when it just recognized images. only recently have people started being upset about it.

cringe. monero is basically the only viable cryptocurrency. the rest is just for gambling.

no shoes, baby....


reminds me of that bear from inside job

I think homeless is more fitting. at least to me, it's a more emotional/painful word, which is a good thing. being homeless sounds a lot shittier than being dehoused to me.

SAME! I see them literally everywhere, it's insane.